Chapter 15

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Songs for this chapter:

Look after you- The Fray

I felt suffocated by the people surrounding us. The screams filled my ears and i had to push through them to get to the car. Luke's hand never let go of mine but it was difficult to stay close to him.

"Hi Luke" one paparazzi said. Luke gave him a small wave but didn't stop walking. The paparazzi was a small fat man, with a huge stomach and a bald head. He started on me next.

"Hi Alexa" he said. It was the first time one of them had used my name. I didn't wave back. I kept my head down and squeezed Luke's hand tighter.

"What's Luke like as a boyfriend?" the same guy shouted in my face. I ignored him once again. "C'mon sweetheart give me something". His camera flashed in my face and blinded me.

"Can you stop that please?" Luke asked him frustratedly.

"I'm just doing my job pal" the paparazzi shrugged and snapped another photo. Luke was getting more and more angry by the second. The man moved closer to me and took a close up shot of my face.

"Get away from her!" Luke demanded. I'd never wanted the ground to swallow me up more than in that situation. The man moved close to Luke.

"If you just let me do my job we won't have a problem here" he said, in an almost threatening voice. Suddenly panic washed over me. I knew Luke's temper wasn't great and this guy didn't seem to have the best attitude either.

"We actually will have a problem because you're harassing my girlfriend" Luke shot back. He let go of my hand for the first time.

"Your girlfriend? Wow this is gonna make a great story" the man smiled fakely and Luke clenched his jaw.

"Don't be a dick" Luke said stepping closer to him. I could predict what was going to happen now. And i didn't like it.

"Or what? You and your bitch just made the front cover. Say cheese" he smirked. Before he could comprehend what was happening, Luke's fist shot up and collided with the mans right eye. I gasped and stepped back. There was other people a little bit away and they were staring now. The man stood there for a moment in shock before his eyes widened and his fist swung and hit Luke straight in the mouth, busting his lip. The people on the street started to crowd around us as Luke and the man threw several more punches.

One onlooker stepped in and grabbed the paparazzi man, pulling him off Luke. Another grabbed Luke's arm an pulled him away from the man. Luke's lip was busted and blood was dripping down his chin. He had been hit in his eye too and there was definitely going to be a bruise there in the morning. The mans eye was already bruising and his cheek was dripping blood.

Luke's eyes suddenly widened in panic and searched the crowd, finding me. He shrugged the people off of him and walked over to me grabbing my hand.

"Let's go" he said firmly and i followed him. We didn't go back to the car.

"We're not going back to the bus". I didn't say anything. I just followed him as he lead me down the street, to some motel and got us a room straight away. It was old and kind of grubby but it would do for one night. He opened the door with the room key and we walked inside. He finally let go of my hand to turn on the lights and I gasped when I saw his face.

"I..." He started to say something but stopped. I took his hand and walked into the bathroom. I gestured for him to sit on the closed toilet and he did. I left him there and searched the room for a first aid kit. I found one and grabbed some cotton wool and some plasters. I walked back into the bathroom.

"Alexa-" he started again but I shushed him. He sat there while I cleaned him up. I dipped the cotton wool in water and lightly dabbed his eye where the skin was bleeding a little bit. He winced and pulled away slightly. I dabbed at it and then moved onto his lip, cleaning up almost all the blood. I washed my hands and turned back to him. He stared at me and I stared at him.

"We should talk" he said. I nodded. None of us said anything.

"I'm sorry Alexa" he said quietly not looking me in the eye.

"I know" I walked towards him. "You can't just beat up random people Luke".

"I know baby" he said pulling me closer to him until I was sitting in his lap. "I was just protecting you".

His lips stopped talking and started kissing my cheeks. Then they moved and he kissed me on the lips. It was a rough passionate kiss. Almost angry. It was filled with fire and warmth, along with the cold metallic taste of the blood from his lip. His hands travelled and explored my body touching every part of me he could get his hands on. My arms, my back, my hips. He grabbed my thighs and i wrapped them around his torso. He carried me into the bedroom and laid me on the bed. He stared at me for a moment making me self conscious and I put my hands over my stomach in an attempt to cover my most insecure place. Luke noticed though.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to hide yourself from me?" He asked me. I nodded slightly. "Stop. You're so beautiful. You don't need to hide from me". He bent down and kissed my lips. Then he left a trail of kisses down my body. Down my neck, my chest, my stomach, my legs. Then he kissed my lips again. "See? Absolutely stunning".

I kissed him this time. I didn't think anyone had the power to make me feel so much better about myself, but Luke always did. I couldn't thank him enough for that. My hands tangled through his hair. "I love you" i whispered in his ear.

He flipped us around so I was on top of him. I had a good view of his whole body now. His hair was quiffed and slightly messy in an incredibly sexy way. His bright blue eyes were focused on my brown ones and his chest was heaving up and down with every breath he took. The heat of his body, so close to mine, made for the best tingling sensation possible. It wasn't even the idea of sex that made me so in love with him in that moment. He was there and so was I and everything was good in the world.

I rested my head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat through the soft fabric of his worn Nirvana shirt. I'm not really sure what happened next but I think I fell asleep there. I'm sure he had other ideas for that night but he was too nice to wake me. So by saying we slept together, i mean we really slept. And it was the most perfect night ever.

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