Chapter 24

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"MICHAEL WHERES MY GIRLFRIEND?" Luke shouted into the bus as me and Michael hid in the bathroom, dying his hair once again. This time he was going for a lilac colour and I was helping him.

"We're in here!" I shouted back and heard his footsteps travel down the tour-bus and stop outside the bathroom. He opened the door and rolled his eyes at us.

"I swear, you're going to be bald if you keep dying your hair that much Clifford" Luke said and I burst out laughing thinking about how Mikey would look bald. Michael wasn't amused though.

"Help me wash this out" he said to me and I helped him. He wrapped a towel around his hair like a turban and Luke snorted at how it looked.

"Shut up Luke" Michael growled. "Thanks Alexa. I like you better than Luke".

"Thanks Mikey, like you better than Luke too" I gave Luke a smug smile and he shrugged and then lunged forward grabbing my legs and throwing me over his shoulder. I screamed, struggling and flailing around. But Luke held me tightly. He let go of my legs for a split second and i screamed as I headed towards the ground. But he caught me as quickly as he had let go. His arms wrapped around my thighs and he said quietly in my ear, "don't worry... I'd never let you fall"

He walked to the couch and laid me down easily, not letting go until I was lying flat on my back. I slapped his arm playfully. "I'm afraid of heights" I scolded him.

"You know I wouldn't let you fall though" he said smiling down at me. His hands were either side of my head and he hovered above me. He was wearing a blue T-shirt which made his eyes look especially blue. His lips were really pouty and swollen looking too and I had an overwhelming urge to reach up and kiss him.

"ME AND CALUM ARE ENTERING THE ROOM!" Michael announced. "PLEASE REFRAIN FROM ANY SEXUAL ACTIONS WHILE WE ARE IN THE ROOM". Luke laughed and I blushed as usual as Michael entered the room with his hands over his eyes. Luke flopped down beside me and Calum rolled his eyes at us.

"Me and Ashton are making dinner" Cal announced as Ash came running into the kitchen area holding a spatula and screaming "STIRFRY!".

We all ate Ash and Calum's stir fry around the table in the kitchen a while later. We talked as we ate about the ongoings of the previous weekend.

"So have you called Camilla, Cal?" Michael asked him through mouthfuls of noodles.

"Yeah actually" Calum replied smiling cutely. "She's coming to one of our shows next week". I smiled to myself. I liked her and Calum did too. I finished the rest of my food.

"I think I'm gonna go run some errands" i announced as I walked from my bunk to the kitchen area. I hadn't bought makeup in weeks and not to mention, i was running low on lady-supplies and I didn't really want to ask Ashton to buy me some when he went to the supermarket.

"Do you want me to come?" Luke asked. He was playing Fifa with Michael. I grabbed my purse and scraped my hair into a ponytail.

"No it's fine" I told him giving him a kiss on his cheek. He wrapped his long arm around my waist as I tried to walk away and pouted. I had to smile at his cuteness. "I'll be back in a few". Within seconds there was yet another black car waiting outside the bus. I hopped in and asked for the nearest Walgreens .

When i got there I told the driver to wait and went into the store. The automatic doors opened and i walked through, my vans squeaking on the floors. I picked up a basket and headed for the makeup aisle. Seeing as it was 8:30, there wasn't too many people there. I bent down as I saw a shelf of foundation bottles and went through them, looking for my colour. A group of girls who looked around 14 or 15 walked down the same aisle. I heard the whispers straight away.

"Oh my Gosh Jessica isn't that Luke's girlfriend" one said to the other in a hushed voice. Then they all squealed excitedly and giggled.

"She's so pretty! Do you think we should say hi?".


"Yeah let's say hello"

I turned around and gave them a small smile and they squealed again in response and all chanted "hiiii". It felt so weird to he recognised by total strangers. I guess I would have to get used to it. Thank God there was no paparazzi here. I was wearing my VS PINK sweatpants and a tank top with no makeup on. I tossed foundation and a new black eyeliner into my basket and walked to the next aisle. I spent another while, picking up some things like pads and cotton swabs. Finally I decided to take a look at the music. I walked through the store and laughed when I came face to face with a gigantic cardboard cut-out of 5 seconds of summer.

"I just can't get away from you" i laughed to myself. I turned the corner and came face to face with someone else. Someone i didn't expect to see, nor did i want to see. A small, fat, bald man, only this time, he wasn't holding a camera.

I gasped and he grinned at my reaction. Pure terror rushed through my body as I backed away from him slowly.

"Are y-you following me?" I stammered nervously. My stomach felt sick. I suddenly wished that Luke was here, even though I knew what he'd do to the guy if he saw him.

"Course not" he chuckled lowly. "Just out for a late-night-shop... Fancy running into you here sweetheart". I didn't believe him for a second. He knew I was here. He was here for a reason. I tried to walk away but he stopped me.

"Boy do I have something for you!" He exclaimed. There we go. Something for me? I stopped walking and turned back to face him. "Caught your attention have I? I capture a lot of things on camera... Wait till you see this" he laughed evilly.

"Can you just go away from me please?" I demanded. I was sick of this guy. He made me feel uncomfortable and I didn't like that at all. He reached into his camera bag and pulled out a yellow envelope.

"Might want to take a look at this hun" he said, a creepy smile on his face. I contemplated walking away but curiosity got the better of me. I snatched the envelope and opened it hastily. Inside was a picture.

A picture of Luke. A recent picture. His arms were wrapped around a girl. A tall blonde girl that I didn't know. My breath caught in my chest at the sight of it. I cleared my throat and shook my head.

"How do i know when this was taken?" I asked trying to act confident. My voice was shaky though. It was like all the air was sucked out of my body.

"That's where this comes in" he said handing me another photo. This photo was Luke and I. It was taken the night we went to the beach in Cali. He was wearing the exact same clothes, his hair was the same... It was undeniable that both were taken in the same night.

I put the pieces together in my head quickly. Same night. That means he was with this girl and then me in the same day. That means he lied. I tried and tried to convince myself that there was some kind of mistake.

But there it was sitting right in front of me. Cold hard proof. A picture says a thousand words. I could actually feel my heart rip apart in my chest.

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