I'm in love with my girlfriend bestfriend and did I mention she is my brother girlfriend?...

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I'm in love with my girlfriend bestfriend and did I mention she is my brother girlfriend?...Great isn't?

Chapter 17:

Gina POV:

My god that was so embarrassing!!!! I'm in Greg room right now. I'm all red since the walk in. I laid on his bed thinking of the business. All my family wants it and they think I have a more chance of running it since I'm the only child with a undecided future. Oscar wants to be a baseball player, Henry an engineer, and Mimi she might have the future of a model if she gets more brains. Then Kyle...he changed so much since his parents died...our relatioship became hard and difficult. It wasn't an easy fix up.

I could feel tears appear on my eyes and I wiped them before Greg came in. "Hey." Greg smiled and laid next to me. "Sorry about that..." He blushed and I laughed. "It's okay I guess it's their way of saying get a room." I laughed and Greg rolled his eyes. "I guess so." Greg looked at me and lifted my chin to place his lips on mine. I stuck my tongue inside and our lips sync each others. I rolled on him and straddled him. He was pinned by me. I played with his tongue mean while his hands went around my waist. I moaned and he smiled. I closed my eyes and keep sucking his tongue. I pulled back for air. "That was nice." Greg smirked and I rolled my eyes, and laid my head on his chest.

"Gina tell me about your self..." Greg whispered and I closed my eyes.

Greg POV:

I think Gina fell asleep since I heard soft snoring. I looked at her and I picked her up. I carried her downstairs and put her in her car. I guess I'll talk to her later, I turned on the car and drove to her house. I parked the car and carried her inside the house. I saw her sister Mini? I think and she pointed me to Gina room. I walked in and looked around. It was yellow with different colors. I placed her down on her bed and slowly closed the door. I walked downstairs thats when Mini started talking to me. "You don't know alot about Gina do you?" She smirked and I rolled my eyes. "I don't have to know all I need to know is that she loves me." I stated and she flipped hr hair. "Do you want to know?" She smirked. I raised an eyebrow. This won't be bad. I sat down on the couch and Mini across of me. "Well she is a aquarius, born on February 14 Valentines day, Very smart for her age. She skipped a few grades once, a Yale accepted her even Harvard, when she was small she did modeling acting and singing. She grew up went to a private school for middle school, she wasn't as innocent as before." Mini smirked and I looked at her seriously. "What were her relationships?" Hey I'm her boyfriend and I was curious. "Well I don't know much, but she was a hip hopper." I was confused. "What do mean?" I stated. "She went out with alot of guys in her middle school years. First it was players then jocks then it was nerds then it was guys like 7 or 5 years older than her. She isn't even a virgin." Mini nodded seriously. I froze she isn't a virgin!!! I I'm!!! "Wait what!???" I asked confused. "Well when she dated this player she lost everything to him." I listened seriously. "And it's funny he is closer than you think..." She smirked and nudge her head. I looked behind and found Kyle standing there making himself something to eat. Does that mean that Kyle was the guy who she lost everything too!!! This pissed me off!!!! I tensed up. "Calm down prince charming their over problems and it was complicated." Mini spoke. I nodded. I don't if I should believe her since she doesn't look like the sister that cares. "You know since she meet you she has been happy and spoke outloud for once." Mini smiled and lead me to the door. "Don't take this a different way. I still think your hot and I will snatch you anytime." She smirked and closed the door. I have time to think by walking a few streets to my house. I should talk to Gina tomorrow to make sure this is true...

(The next day)

"Where are we going?" Gina smiled mean while I drove. "Were going to the beach." I smiled. Gina smiled and watched the road. After 30 minutes in the car we got to the beach and we got the stuff like towels and an umbrella to cover up for the sun. We set the stuff up and sat down. "So why are we here?" Gina smiled. "To talk." I smiled and looked at the ocean. "Okay..." Gina stood quiet. "So is it true that your not a virgin?" I mumbled. Gina faced me with her face pale. "Where did you hear that?" "Just answer the question..." I stated. She looked down and nodded. I guess everything is true that Mini said...I felt a piercing pain on my chest. "Did you lose it to the guy Kyle..." I looked away and Gina stood quiet..."Greg why are you asking this..." Gina spoke softly. "Did you lose it to him?" I stated again this time with anger. "Yes where did you get these ideas!" Gina cried out. "I guess your sister is useful." I said monotone and Gina tensed up. "You know she hates me...she brings the pain back..." Gina wiped her eyes. "What do you mean..?" I asked worried. "Well I didn't mean for those things to happen! I was at a friends party and ended up spiked. I don't know how, but I did and during that time I liked Kyle and I slept with him at the party. Thinking it was a dream. Later on I dated Kyle since he liked me, but cheated on me with a good friend of mine after his parents died. It was a hard time for him and he said it wasn't because he hated me it was because he didn't want to hurt me and I forgave him. Later on his personailty changed and I found other people in my life..." She slowly placed a hand on my cheek. I didn't know how to feel either angry or disappointed. I kissed Gina. "I understand..." Gina kissed me and cried. "I'm sorry...if I meet you sooner I could completly be yours..." She wrapped her arms around me and I comfort her. "Come on we came to beach to have fun instead were heating like prunes." I smiled and pulled Gina to the ocean. We got wet and Gina looked much happier. Aslong I don't bring pain to her and she loves me that's all I need...


thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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