I'm in love with my girlfriend bestfriend and did I mention she is my brother girlfriend?...

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I'm in love with my girlfriend bestfriend and did I mention that she is my brothers girlfriend?...Great isn't it.

Chapter 20:

Greg POV:

"So how is it?" I smiled while talking on the phone. "Well It's good to see France in some time and the tower is as big as ever." Gina giggled. "That's great I miss you already..." I blushed and I heard Gina laugh. "I do too! I guess you haven't found my hidden present yet!" Gina laughed and I raised an eyebrow. "Okay go to your room!" I walked toward my room and entered. "Close yours eyes and close the door!" Gina laughed. I did as I was told. "Now walk forward and check under your pillows." I felt around it was hard with close eyes. I touched under my pillows and then found a hard cornered object. "Alright I have it in my hands." I laughed. "Okay now open your eyes!" Gina giggled. I opened them and found a picture of Gina smiling at me with the necklace and ring I've given her. "When did you take this?" I smiled. "Before I left I thought you might like it and won't feel lonely when I was gone also I never took the ring and necklace since you gave it to me." Gina spoke sweetly. "Me too the scarf I even play soccer with it." I laughed and Gina laughed as well. "Wow Greg!" Gina joked. I smiled and squeezed the phone. "Be prepare Gina..." I stated. "Huh?" Gina spoke confused. "Be ready to meet my needs Gina." I smirked and Gina pouted. "Hope these needs do hurt." Gina laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Greg come on!!!" I heard Tom shout. "Alright I'm talking to Gina!" I shouted back. "Gina I have to go." I spoke sadly. "It's obvious for the screaming." Gina laughed. "Bye Gina." "Bye Greg love you..." Gina hunged up and I blushed. I'm not used to it, but I'm happy that she says it to me!!!

I rushed downstairs happy! "Wow what happend got candy?" Tom joked and I rolled my eyes. "Nope but I got a sweet babe!" I smirked and Tom laughed. "Whatever Sandra is better!" "You wish just cuz she gives you..." "Don't say it man!" Tom growled and I laughed. "It's okay big bro that you..." "Shut up!" Tom hit me and blushed. I kept laughing!

I got to school and meet up with the guys we changed and walked to the field where we found this chick using our soccer balls!!! She had long black purple hair with violet eyes, she was very tan and had a banging figure! Sorry guys hormones remember, but I love Gina so I don't cheat! "Hey you!? Permission to use the fields are dealed with me!" I glared at her. "Sorry I didn't know that oversized asses complained about a girl being on their field!" She glared back. The guys gave 'ohhh'! I laughed. "Nice combacks I'm Greg the soccer captain." I took out my hand so she can shake it. She looked at it then at me. "Hi I'm Zerin and your pretty short for a captain." She wiped her forehead. "You don't know the half of it!" Bob joked and put an arm on my shoulder. "Oh really what his soccer skills suck and you pitty him?" She smirked and Bob glared at her. "Don't diss our captain newbe!" The team growled and I shushed them. "Hey it's okay she thinks I suck and you pity me well lets prove her wrong." I smirked and handed her a ball. She stood still and we went to our places. "Fine this will be easy and hey I could be named the captain." She smirked and we started in the main line. "Sure it's you vs. all us if you score you'll be the new captain and I'll quit., but there is a time limit 10 minutes top! Pete you keep time!" I smirked. Pete rushed to get the stopwatch. She nodded and looked around. "Deal?"

Zerin POV:

Hmm this will be easy! I mean he is short not that short but not like the rest. I looked around and saw no fear into these guys eyes these people mean business and so do I!!! "Deal!" I growled. The leader looked at me and threw the ball at me. "You get first run." He stood there like nothing! What the hell!? I nodded and rushed to the goal passing some of the guys! "Haha ya'll are terrible..." The ball was stolen from me! How he was like 5 meters away! He is so quick. I rushed to him, but it was hard to keep up. My breathing became strong! I got in front of him and tried to take the ball but he jumped with it!!!! He lifted, shifted, took the ball like so easy!!!! I final got it when he slipped it backwards! I rushed to the goal and then I got close enough to score. With all my force I kicked the ball! It swerved! I knew this would make it....I saw the leader rush to the goal and shifted the ball!!! He made it look so simple! I rushed to him, but he kept getting quicker and shifter! I couldn't beat him he was too good! "Time!" The girly boy shouted. "Well you lose." The leader spoke simply. I dropped to the floor and growled. If I can't beat this short how can I beat my x! This pissed me off!!!!!!!!!! "Come on its a game!" The leader smiled and handed me his hand. "Leave me alone!" I growled and slapped his hand away. I got up and left the field.

Greg POV:

She left that's too bad she was pretty good and I hope she will appear in the team try outs! I stood there and wiped some sweat off me. "Gregory?" The coach spoke. I turned to face him. "Yeah coach?" I sighed. "Well did you just beat the famous Austin York daughter?" Coach seemed surprised. I nodded so that's who she is. She seemed familar. I heard that Austin Martin was the youngest man to get on the USA soccer team. His skills were very good and maybe his daughter was the same? But compared to Mr Martin that was nothing.

I went to my math class and sat down. I saw Zerin there. I waved at her and she ignored me. I looked at her. I do see she does look like her father maybe the mature face and body, but her personality still needs more improvement. I sighed and worked on my homework. I wonder what Gina is doing right now. I took out the picture Gina took and looked at it. Everytime I see it I always smile. "Oh is this your girlfriend!?" Some bimbo went off. Why can't Kim leave me alone. "So how far you with your tutor?" She winked and I rolled my eyes. I snatched the photo back and growled at Kim. "Leave me alone. I know we had a thing, but it's over." I growled and Kim rolled her eyes.

Zerin POV;

(before Greg talked to Kim)

I noticed that the leader was here. Why does he have to be part of me life...I thought how he played soccer so happy, easy, and beautiful...did I just say beautiful!!!! My josh I'm going crazy! "Hey sweet thang wanna have fun?" Some dieseas talked to me. All men have STD's! I wonder if he has...no stop thinking about him!!!!!! "No I don't date a living dieseas!" I growled and he left me alone. I watched how he took a picture out. I wonder if I could apologize about what happend. I mean I was acting childish. I walked over to his row and on accident heard his conversation. "Oh is this your girlfriend?" I heard that and I felt piercign pain I don't know why!!!...

I sat down on an empty seat and listened to the conversation. "So how far you with your tutor?" The sl*t spoke! Is he cheating on his girlfriend! I guess he is like the rest of the guys!!! "Leave me alone I know we had a thing, but it's over." Greg spoke!!!! That three timing jerk!!!! The girl went back and I walked forward to Greg! I raised my hand and slapped his face! "YOU NASTY BASTARD!!!!!" I growled and went to my seat!

Greg POV:

Did she just slap me!!!!???? I'm so confused what did I do?!!!! I rubbed my cheek and looked at her. She glared at me then faced away! I wonder what I did!???!!!! Man she another problem!!!!! Wonderful!


I hoped you like it and Austin York isn't real he doens't exsist so don't google him. I made him up!!!! XD Thanks for reading!!!!!! hoped you liked it!!!!



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