I'm in love with my girlfriend bestfriend and did I mention she is my brother girlfriend?...

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I'm in love with my girlfriend bestfriend and did I mention that she is my brothers girlfriend?...Great isn't it.

Chapter 22:

Greg POV:

"Alright try outs are done for today. All of you come tomorrow fresh in the morning. Dismissed." I wiped some sweat off my forehead and everybody prepared to leave. "See ya Captain!" Bob waved and all the guys did. I waved them and went into the locker room to take a quick shower.

After I was done I walked toward my car. It was 8 and I looked to see if the guys were still here. Then I saw Zerin. She was sitting on the bench looking down at her phone. "Hey aren't you going home?" I asked her and she looked at me. "Yeah I guess I'm walking there." She stood up and grabbed her backpack. "How far do you live?" I asked her. "Well around Golden Parks..." She rubbed her head. "That's pretty far...Hey why don't I drive you?" I offered. "What? No! I mean I'm tough!" She glared. "I didn't say your tough I said that I'm driving you home that's an order." I glared back and she rolled her eyes. "Fine, but don't tell anyone!" She growled. "I promise I won't tell." I sighed.

We both into the car and I drove to Golden Parks which was like 20 minutes from my house. "Alright which one is your house?" I asked as I made a right turn. "That one..." She mumbled and my mouth went open! Damn the house was freaking huge! It had a fountain, two way drive in! "Man this house is huge!" I laughed and Zerin scoffed. "Whatever." She mumbled. "Alright just leave me here." Zerin stated and I parked the car. Zerin stepped outside the car and slammed the door. "You're welcome...." I growled.

I was about to leave when "Zerina about be rude invite your friend in!" I heard a lady go off. "Nana!" "Don't Nana me invite your friend!" I parked the car when the lady came to my window. "Hello I'm Nana. Sorry for her rudeness!" Nana smiled. "It's alright, but..." "No come on in Zerina has the most uncaring attitude come on!" Nana insisted. "Hmm sure for a little while should be alright..." I looked at Zerin and she looked away. "Wonderful come on!" The Nana keep pulling me inside.

"Here sit! Sit!" She insisted and I sat down quickly. I looked around the house and it was really, really nice! I saw many family pictures and soccer balls. "Wow this is impressive!" I smiled at Zerin who was sitting across from me. "Yeah..." She mumbled and I rolled my eyes. "Here you go!" The Nana came back with a cup of green tea. "Drink!" She insisted! "Thank you?" I raised an eyebrow and the Nana touched my arms. "Wow your so ripped! What sports do you do?" Nana smiled. "Hmm I'm..." "He is the Captain of the soccer team." Zerin stated and looked away. "Really? Wow Zerina here has a silly dream of being a top soccer player and I don't support the idea of ladies running and getting dirty." Nana shook her head. I looked at Zerin and she seemed disappointed. "Nana where are you..." I heard a man speak! I froze when and I saw Austin Martin York standing out of the living room! "Oh your home Zerina and I apologize about your ride." Austin texted from his phone. He had black short hair, with gray eyes, and he is my idol for soccer! Zerin seemed pretty pissed and crossed eveyrthing in her body. "Look honey Zerina brought a boy home he is a Captain of Zerina school soccer team!" Nana cheered! I stood up and shoke Mr. Martins hand. "Pleasure to meet you." I smiled and Mr. Martin nodded. "Equal here." He nodded and left with Nana behind his tail. "Sorry about that Austin can be very distant." Zerin mumbled. I nodded. "Your Nana can be very persistent." I laughed and Zerin sighed. "Yeah well I think you better go before Nana comes back. Bye Greg." She pushed me out the door and slammed the door. Harsh, but I understand why she is like this. I wlaked to my car and left the neighborhood.

"Wow bro are you serious was the chick hot?!" Tom joked and I rolled my eyes. "I guess since you meet Gina wonderful things happended to you!" Tom ate a nacho with cheese. "Yeah she is my honey and I can't live without her!" I smiled and blushed. "Yeah maybe I shouldn't have been dumped..." Tom smirked and I punched his arm. "So how is your college chick? Sandra?" I rasied an eyebrow and Tom smirked. "Well she wants to go to Princeton on a music scholarship....but I mean we started talking about the future and I really don't know what I want to do." Tom seemed down. "Well I think you really good at art maybe you should do that!" I offered and Tom looked at me. "Really bro you think so?" Tom smiled and I nodded. "Yeah man you been the best at art since we were small!" I cheered and Tom laughed. "Alright I'll consider." Tom laughed and his phone rang. "Hey Sandy." He talked. "Nah I'm just with my little brother....sure yeah I'll see maybe Greg will come." Tom talked and then hunged up. "So what's up?" I ate a nacho. "Well Sandra knows these dudes that have connections with Austin Martin and on this Friday their going to throw a BIG party for him? I thought you might like to come?" Tom shrugged his shoulders. "Hell yeah and it's perfect since Gina will be back by Friday!" I laughed and Tom nodded and grabbed his car keys. "Well see you." He said and left the house.

Man its so boring when there is no one around. I got my phone and called up Bob. "Hey whats up Captain?" Bob laughed. "Nothing I'm bored wanna come over?" I asked hanging upside down. "Alright be there in 10." Bob spoke and hunged up. Damn I need a hobby.

"So what do you think of the chick Zerin?" I asked Bob. "She is okay, but a bit..." "Bitchy?" Bob laughed and looked around the house. "Hey where is Nina?" Bob raised an eyebrow. "She said something about Pizza." I shrugged my shoulders. "Ah so she taken interest into our Pizza boy Pete." Bob laughed and I rolled my eyes. "No him it's this guy named Zach that works at another pizza place." I smirked and Bob shrugged his shoulders. "What he is a nice boy and Nina took a liking to him." I shrugged and Bob laughed. "Yeah that's good that everyone is happy." Bob smiled then it faded. "What about you?" I asked and marked the phone for some pizza. "Well I have this interest in this girl...but she has a college boyfriend..." Bob mumbled. "Damn that's harsh....hey three large pizza, one pepperione, one sasuage, and one ham....yeah included super hot wings...yeah with buttermilk for the side....yeah thanks!" I hunged up the phone and Bob was playing with his fingers. "So if you like the chick you should go after her! I mean what do you not have!?" I cheered him and he nodded. "Yeah your right! I should tell her how I feel!" Bob smiled and got up. "I'll see you later!" Bob laughed and left the house.

I laughed and watched some Family ABC. I got the pizza and eat some with the hotwings until I fell asleep...












"Wow I can't believe you fell asleep with pizza in front of you!" I heard a voice go off and I opened my eyes and saw my angel standing in front of me. "Gina..." I pulled her to hug her. I knew this was a dream, but it is a great dream. Gina smiled and kissed me. I deepend the kiss and she moaned. I kissed her everywhere and she responded. I put my lips back on hers and she laughed. "You taste like pizza. Your my favorite kind..." I kissed her and stuck my tongue inside her mouth. "Your delicious..." She pulled me closer. "I'm so glad I can feel you in my dream...this is a wonderful dream..." I smiled and hugged the dream Gina. "I missed you too Greg...I love you..." That was the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep sleep...


Hoped you liked it!!!!



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