I'm in love with my girlfriend bestfriend and did I mention she is my brother girlfriend?...

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I'm in love with my girlfriend bestfriend and did I mention that she is my brothers girlfriend?...Great isn't it.

Chapter 24:

Kaylee POV:

I sat at the table next to Tabetha and the guy who stole my first kiss!!! I tried not to look at him since I was afraid to blush remembering the kiss!!! I ate the food they gave me which was green beans, mash potatoes, and a piece of steak.

I ate quietly and then Janet began to speak. "Well lets start with introductions why don't you start sweetie?" She pointed to me and I breathe. "I'm Kaylee, 12 years old going to 7th grade and speak German." I stated and Janet smiled. "Okay next!" Janet pointed to my right. "Well I'm Ashton, 13, going to 8th grade, and love smoking hot girls!" So his name is Ashton and he is a pervert after all. "Jessica, 16, and speak german." Sissy spoke and eat her food. "I'm Bob, 17, and play soccer." Bob spoke and I noticed Sissy was smiling at him. Well he is handsome. "I'm Janet, my age is a secret, and I love all you kids!" She smiled and I felt that I was going to cry again. Since I never felt loved..."I'm Tabetha, 9, and going into 4th grade!" She smiled and I smiled back holding tight to my plastic ring. I played with my fingers then felt a hand move slowly over my leg! I thought of screaming, but that would be stupid. I froze and tried to concetrate on my food playing with a green bean! The hand slowly moved up and down on my thigh and I felt my facing getting hot. "Are you okay honey?" Janet asked and I nodded. "Maybe I'm just tired I should get some rest." I smiled and slapped the hand off me. Stupid Ashton! "Alright you are excused!" Janet smiled and I left the table with Tabetha right behind me. "Night is alwyas fun!" Tabetha smiled and I nodded while staring at the smirking Ashton! I rolled my eyes and went upstairs...


Greg POV:

I laid on my bed thinking how will Tom deal with this and how could his girlfriend cheat...hey what can I say Gina did the same thing, but she never liked him and I bet Sandra liked him alot!!!! I wonder how this will be fixed and I hope Tom is okay...

Tom POV:

I don't know what to do! Should I go back to Sandra place and talk it out? I remember the time she told me that she was prego and that baby wasn't mine! It's like a movie in my head


I entered her house and heard nothing. I walked to her room and found her crying on the floor! I ran up to her and she looked at me with the sadest eyes! "Sandra baby what is wrong?" I asked concerned. "The baby is the problem..." She cried and I was confused. "Tom I'm pregnant!!!!" She cried out hard and I shook my head. "That's no problem I mean we can raise...." I was cut off! "You can't do anything sense it not your baby!" She cried and I froze and ran out the house. Why would she sleep with another man was I not enough....

:End of Flashback

I went to Sam's bar and order 2 beers. Man life sucks and it hard....I sat there and saw this chick who looked so happy...."Hey miss?" I mumbled and she looked at me. "Yes?" She smiled. She was a waitress here. "I was wondering why are you so happy?" I asked and she made her mouth into an 'o'. "Really what? No I'm happy I'm I?" She smiled and I nodded. "You look happy to me." I stated. "Well I think it's beacause I broke up with my most terrible man...my ex husband." She laughed and I laughed with her. "Here have this." I handed her the beer and she dranked it. "I'm glad for you." I smiled and she nodded. "What about you?" She asked while drinking. "Hmmm I have nothing to be happy about since my girlfriend cheated and got herself prego and I think it's over between us..." I thought abotu it, but didnt cry...weird huh? "Oh I'm sorry..." She was concerned. "Don't be I don't think me and her were meant for each other anyways." I smiled and the girl nodded. "Well I guess were two unlucky ducks huh?" She laughed and I agreed. "Hi I'm Tom." I smiled and she did too. "Violet." She shook my head and I talked with her which was only minutes, but it seemed like hours...

"Here call me. When you need a friend." She smiled and left the place and I think I found myself a friend.


Zerin POV:

"So what do you want Austin?" I walked inside my dad office. "Well Zerina remember when that guy came to our house?" He talked while spinning the ball. "You mean Greg?" I raised an eyebrow and he nodded. "Well I think he alright so you should invite him more often and thats an order." My dad was serious about this did he think Greg could be useful? What a skankbag!? "Hmmm Alright?" I walked out of the office and went to my room. Maybe Greg was different he didn't seem to han with me for my dad and he didn't flirt with me after he knows my dad. He treated me like a guy and I respect that, but I don't think it's love in anyway...atleast I hope so....


sorry if its short, but I had to post soon to reveal alot of things and tell this would you like another story for Kaylee and Ashton? I could make it after this one ends which the end isn't near at all!!! lol well i hope to get feedback!!!! :D



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