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*The photo above is an edit I made for my Instagram account, and is actually the first time I tried doing something like that*

Gabriel felt giddy with excitement as he grabbed his bags and ran downstairs. It was finally time to go to the Lake house and he was so happy to have the chance to not only reconnect with Sam, but also catch up with friends he hasn't seen in years.

The sight of a slightly beaten up, black Impala sitting out front brought forth so many memories, and he had to take a second to simply process the emotions he was struggling with.

Sam waved at him from the back seat, the small grin on his face making his usually dull eyes light up, which made him look like his younger self for a moment.

No, Gabriel decided, I will be making new memories with Sammy, no need to mourn after the old ones all the time.

He returned Sam's smile, not as hesitant as he had been a few days ago in the motel room, and clambered into the back of the car beside Sam. Dean was sitting in the driver's seat, despite the fact that he probably shouldn't be driving again yet, and was praising someone called Bobby for fixing his car so quickly.

"Hey Sammy," Gabe grins. "Deano, nice to see you out of the hospital, although you did suit that gown."

Dean met Gabriel's smirk with a glare but quickly smiled, but Gabriel was not delusional enough to believe it was because Dean was actually glad to see him. Dean's smile probably had something to do with the fact that Castiel was getting in the car, taking his seat beside Gabe, who was sitting in the middle.

Lisa, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around to say hi to the new arrivals before facing the front again.

Gabriel stared at her for a second, wondering how Dean would rather be with her than Cassie.

"So Lucifer and Michael will met us there, they're just gonna pick some people up first," Dean says as he starts the car and pulls out from the car park.

Gabriel decides that his attention would be better spent interacting and checking out the hot moose sitting beside him.

"Hey Sammy, do you play Monopoly still?" Gabe decided he liked the seating arrangements, considering the fact that Sam's side was pressed against his own. And maybe Gabe had shuffled over a bit, but Sam didn't need to know that.

Sam looked down at him questioningly before nodding.

Gabriel grinned excitedly and pulled out his phone, loading up the monopoly app, "awesome! You still like being the dog?"

Sam nods, again, and a small smile stays on his face instead of disappearing like it normally did.

They set up a game and start playing quietly. Well, Sam was quiet of course, but Gabe was being his usual, hyper self by talking Sam's ear off as he eats a lollipop.

Several times it had looked like Dean was going to tell Gabriel to shut up, but then he must of seen the look of happiness on Sam's face because he always stopped himself.

Three hours later, and they were still about two or three hours out from the lake. Gabe and Sam grew bored of monopoly and Gabe soon decided he should let the tired looking Sam rest, so he began reading fan fiction on his phone as he tapped his fingers on his thigh in time with the music playing in the car.

Sam was half asleep, looking out the window at the passing scenery.

Cas was asleep on Gabe's other side and Lisa was having a quiet conversation with Dean up front.

Gabe had caught the jealous look on Cas' face before he had fallen asleep, and Gabe knew without doubt that his brother's whole 'I'm over him,' thing was a load of BS.

Sighing to himself, and feeling bad for his brother, Gabe focuses on his fanfiction again.

The car stays like this for over an hour, until Gabe himself was drifting off with a half sucked lollipop hanging from his mouth.

He was just drifting off on the warm, comfortable waves of sleep when he felt warm, slightly calloused fingers intertwining with his own.

Opening his heavy eyelids, Gabe saw Sam's hand holding his, Sam was still looking out the window in his half asleep state but didn't show any sign of knowing Gabe was aware of their hands.

Smiling with a slight blush, Gabe leaned his head back and let his eyes drift shut once more. Sleep came easy for him as he gripped Sam's hand and relished in the comfort of it.

~~ Wibbly wobbly time skip~~

Sam was startled awake by the sound of a camera shutter. He blinks the sleep from his eyes and goes to sit up straighter, only to realise there was a warm form pressed against his side.

He looked down to see Gabriel's head resting on his shoulder, the trickster's eyes shut and his face lax with sleep.

Blushing lightly, Sam looked up to give Dean a bitch face, because on Dean's hand was a camera.

'Really Dean?' He signs carefully, trying not to wake Gabriel.

"What? I brought this camera at your request, to capture memories of this trip, and that was a pretty cute picture."

Giving his brother another bitch face, Sam looked past Dean's shoulder, at the house sitting beside the beautiful blue lake.

Considering the car door was already open thanks to Dean, one would think it would be easy to get out without waking Gabe, but it really wasn't.

In the end, Sam managed to get his feet out, and shuffled the rest of the way with Gabriel on his lap.

This meant he could wake Gabriel the easy way. Sam walks down towards the lake with a silent snigger and stands at the edge for a moment.

He looks down at the sleeping trickster in his arms, taking in how Gabriel's golden hair shone in the sun, covering half his his face as his head tilts to the side.

Ignoring the sound of the camera shutter, Sam took a deep breath before throwing Gabe into the shallow water.

Gabriel splutters awake, failing about as he tries to work out where he was. His eyes quickly find Sam, this was mostly due to the fact that Sam was laughing.

Not his silent laughter, no this was real laughter, and God Gabe had missed that sound. It was infectious, Gabriel found himself laughing also, tears quickly springing to his eyes as his sides ached.

Dean was also looking at his brother, shock written across his features for several heartbeats before, he too, joined in.

Lisa was giggling, Cas smiling widely at the sight of his brother being happy again, and then he also started laughing.

Thats how they saw the sun set that day, the four boys finally reconnected as they laughed under the dusk sky, not just because of Sam's throwing Gabe in the water (although it had been hilarious), but rather out of the pure happiness they felt in that moment they shared together.

Finally the broken hearts of those poor boys took the first step of healing, of reconnecting.

Hey guys!
*edit* WHO WATCHED THE LATEST EPISODE OF SPN??? I loved it so much.... But I won't post spoilers here for those that haven't watched it yet😄

The boys are back together! And hopefully it won't be long until they're... together 😄

I've finally brought the mp3  version of Jason Manns' new album recovering with friends and I can't wait to get home and listen to it!

🎶What's some of your favorite music/bands? Panic at the disco, Fall out boy and 3 doors down 🎶

Until next time!

Peace out, Wayward reader 🌈😇🌈

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Where stories live. Discover now