Don't get into a car with speeding Satan, unless in an emergency

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It wouldn't of been more than 3 minutes later when they could hear the squealing of tires in the parking lot below, followed by Lucifer shouting/screeching as he ran inside.

Gabriel jumped up, running to open the door just in time to see a panting Lucifer collapsing at the top of the stairs.

Michael came into view, jogging across the landing and barely sounding out of breath despite having just run up two flights of stairs.

"Where is he?"

Gabe lead Michael inside and together they somehow manage to pick Sam up and start carrying him out the the door. Jess followed closely behind, wringing her hands nervously.

"How is this going to be faster than the ambulance?"

Michael and Gabe share a terrified, but knowing, look. Lucifer, still struggling to catch his breath, waved weakly to Sam's limp form.

"He-hey-heya Sammy."

Gabe rolled his eyes, "hurry up and go start the car, we need to haul ass to the hospital."

"Watch your bloody language Gaybriel, you little shite."

"Hurry up Lucifer!"

Rolling his eyes, Lucifer turned and tumbled back down the stairs. And by tumble, that means literally tumbling. He rolls to a stop on the next landing down, lying in a heap as he weakly raises a thumbs up.

Jess watched with wide eyes, "will we need to take our ride to the hospital, to.... hospital?"

"Nah, he's Satan, he'll be fine. After all, he's used to falling."

"I am actually more familiar with the feeling of climbing out of hell," Lucifer pipes up, before rolling down the next flight of stairs.

"This just in, Satan has falling again," Gabe mutters, propping Sam up better as they start carrying him down the stairs. Even all of Lucifer's shenanigans couldn't distract him from the worry he felt for the unconscious Sam.

"NEED FOR SPEED!" Lucifer shouts as he ran outside ahead of them.

"Just a warning," Gabriel looks at Jessica. "Unless you agree that you a fully aware that you are putting your life at risk being in a car when Lucifer is speeding, don't get in the damn car... You know what they say, don't get into a car with speeding Satan, unless in an emergency of course."

"First, no one has ever said that."

Everyone scoffs at Lucifer's words.

"And secondly, I'm not that bad of a driver, but if you could sign wavers then that would be great."

"We really don't have time for this arguing, get in the damn car," Michael hurries them along.

Gabe sits in the back with Sam, Jess was helping support him from the other side, Michael climbed into the front passenger seat.

Lucifer started the car, and squealed out of the parking lot. Jess gripped the side of her seat, her face drained of colour as Lucifer expertly sped down the streets, dodging cars and breaking countless rules.

Even Gabriel had to close his eyes and hold tight to the seat, all too aware of how fast and dangerous this was. Biting his lip hard enough to draw blood, Gabe clutches Sam's arm and starts praying again.


Dean was, as always, lying on his back staring at the ceiling. Shocker. He purses his lips and stares at the ceiling in a more disgruntled manor. He hated this, he hated not being able to move properly or remember clearly, it royally sucked.

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Where stories live. Discover now