Chapter 1

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Third POV

"You Perverted Sage!"Nyuu shouted hitting Jiraiya in the head.

"It's a part of my research"he said rubbing his head.

"Research? Ha, yeah right, you don't know what research is"the redhead replied.

"Nyuu, when we get to the Leaf Village I'm gonna have to leave again,but don't worry the Third will keep an eye on you"Jiraiya said.

"Oh okay"Nyuu said trying to hind the happy tone from her voice.

"Your not even a little heartbroken,are you?"he said with a small hint of sadness in his voice.

"Not really cause I finally get to go to the Leaf Village"this time she didn't hide the happiness from her voice. The walked up to the gates of Konaha.

"Hey,Jiraiya. Who's that?"one of the guards asked.

"Just my goddaughter"he said with a chuckle.

"Hurry up you Perverted Sage. Since I'm finally at the Leaf Village I can learn more about my parents since you won't tell me anything other than who my Dad is"Nyuu said sticking her tongue out at him.

"Who's her dad?"the other guard asked.

"That's not really important" Jiraiya said. They let us pass and Jiraiya took me to the Third Hokage's office.

"Nyuu, I'm glad I finally get to me you"the third said.

"Nice too meet you too"Nyuu said.

"Well I'm gonna get going,see ya Nyuu"Jiraiya said.

"See ya"Nyuu said.

"Nyuu if it's okay with you I'm going to enroll you in the Ninja Academy"Third said.

"Sounds fun gives me a chance to meet kids my own age,ya know"Nyuu replied.

"Alright you'll start tomarro-"he was cut short by a little kid running in.

"Take this old man"he shouted getting ready to throw a kunai when Nyuu appeared behind him and grabbed the kunai.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you not to play with sharp objects"Nyuu said spinning the kunai around her finger.

"Huh? How about you become my trainer because it's obvious your strong" he said.

"Either that or your weak"Nyuu whispered under her breath. "So I start at the Ninja Academy tomorrow"she said.

"Yes and I'll write down the address of where you'll be staying"he said writing something down. He handed her the piece of paper.

"Okay see ya"Nyuu said walking out of the room.

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