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Seliel p.o.v

That's nya's body !! What happened? ? I teleported 2 skylor room , she wasn't there I started teleporting in the whole school

At last , I got them together . It took me forever ! . We dragged her down from the stairs , when suddenly a green masked guy came , and helped us , we were quite surprised that someone 4 d 1st time helped us .
I had this feeling that rumi had heart in her eyes .. pfft .. that will be for the 2nd time .

Seliel's imagination ^^^^^

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Seliel's imagination ^^^^^

He took her 2 d nurse office and went , outside . Harumi followed him , n I'm sure to say 'thank u' 2 him

The nurse , told us to go outside , or lets say 2 our classes .

We went . And for the 1st time , we were late .

" oh guys listen to dis " jay told the whole class and opened a diary .

" 25 Sept . This school is so weird and stupid . I don't like it .

Why why why ?? Does there has 2 be stupid guys in our class . Okay at the beginning I hoped or thought that they were good . Ch as if . Well the blu 1 was kinda cute but son I found out that - " he wasn't able to read m or , cause skylor found out its nya's .

" urgh stupid ! " cole mumbled .

Our class was about 2 start . When the door opened . Nya was standing there , she walked in . And sat .

" r u okay ? " lloyd asked . Something suspicious is going around here ..

" um . Yea ... Yea I guess so " nya answerd . Also confused . Skylor handed her diary .

" here . Jay had it " skylor told her .

"WHAAAT ?? !!! " nya asked shocked , she looked at jay and gulped .

" yea .. now every-poop-le kmows in this class that u thought I was cute " jay said " but listen 2 this . I think that ur a stupid old , dum , crazy , shity , f*cking b*tch " and at the end he smirked .

Nya 's p.o.v

Owie my head hurts . Where am I ?

Oh it's the nurse office

" you ! " the nurse said . She's creepy " u r allowed 2 go , ur fully healed " but she said sweetly

" b-but ? how ? Didn't I got healed quick ? " i asked her . Seriously! It's 2 fast

" I'm just telling u .. " she said in whispers " I'm an elemental master of healing . That's y I'm the nurse here " that makes sense

I took my bag which was in my room , and I walked towards the class . I opened the door and came in . I'm late for the 1st time . I sat in my seat , which was next to Seliel

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now