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Harumi p.o.v

I was going 2 my history class . When i got pinned up on the wall by some .. guy . Oh ! It's greenie . The mask guy . greenie is so dreamy !! (Oh that rhymed )

" do u know who I am ? " he asked me . Yea I do know who he is . He's a human , of course , obvo

" he a human " I told him

He rolled his eyes and took his mask out . I gasped! !! It .. is .. Lloyd !!!! The least person who I expected him 2 be !

"Well grasshopper. I'm Lloyd " he told me , than smiled . 1St time he smiled at me .
Why is my face heating up ?? Ah don't tell me I'm blushing !!

" who do u think ur calling a grasshopper! U grasshopper ! " I mumbled

" uf. U don't get me ? Do u ? " he asked me . No i don't

" yes I do . " i lied

" stop with the lies . Grasshopper " he told me I'm not a grasshopper . But sadly he guessed right

" fine " i gave up .

" u give up 2 quickly . I just wanted 2 date u nothing much "he said and chuckled .

" whatyouwant2dateme?" I said quickly

" yes .. yes I do " he told me .

" f-fine " i sluttered. Stupidly and .. I think I blushed .. again. .

" somebody is blushing " he said in a sing song way .

I looked at him

" BUT ! just don't tell anyone that we r dating and that I am the green mask guy . Promise " he warned me . He look creepy like that

I nodded . "Okay pinkie promise "

" I'm a boy , not a girl . I won't don't say pinkie promise . " he said with a smirk

" c ya " he said and went .. that was so embarrassing 0////0

Lloyd's P.o.v

I was going to my extra english class . Its so boring though .

I saw harumi walking to her class 2 . Alone . Now I my chance . I took my bandanna out , and wore my hat

I pinned harumi on the wall when I was done .

" do u know who I am ? " i asked her . I'm pretty sure she dosent know .

" heh a human " she told me . Cute answer though .

I rolled my eyes and took my mask out . She gasped . I'm the last person who she thought about I guess .

"Well grasshopper. I'm Lloyd " i told he , than smiled . 1St time i smiled at her . I like the Nick name .
She went red . Oh she's blushing

" who do u think ur calling a grasshopper! U grasshopper ! " she mumbled . She has a point .

" uf. U don't get me ? Do u ? " i asked her . I just like her . Nothing much .

" yes I do . " she said . Lies !

" stop with the lies . Grasshopper " i told her

" fine " she gave up . Gave up 2 quick

" u give up 2 quickly . I just wanted 2 date u nothing much "i said and chuckled .

" whatyouwant2dateme?" She said quickly .

" yes .. yes I do " i told her .

" f-fine " she sluttered. she looked so cute ! And she was blushing . It made her look even cuter .

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now