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Nya's P.o.v

I was getting ready for my 2nd day at this stupid annoying crazy school . I wore my jeans and shirt

And poof out of nowhere Seliel came .
" y did u Poof in my room ? " i asked her

" harumi ! Trouble ! Come !! " she said breathlessly as I'd she has been running for 100 hours .

" okie " i said and opened my door and ran with her but we both tripped over 2 pairs of legs

" didn't saw u there " Cole said

" more like u didnt saw us here " jay said

" whatever " skylor said she came out of her room well with pixal

" c'mon " pixal and we ran

" we didn't mean to .. it was the- " i heard rumi's voice .

" it was there's huh ?? " someone told her

" Skylor !! " harumi said , and ran towards us

" aww looks like the crybaby's sisters came " one of the girls said , she was Brittney our classmate
All the girls started laughing like evil witches .

" lets go " pixal said

" someone is scared look guys " she said . We ignored them and started walking to our class

We entered our class room  And sat in our seats . Just like yesterday after our attendance those stupid boys came .

But this time , jay didn't took the register and threw it. He took it and told Kai to burn it , and Zane made tiny tiny snowflakes so the fire's out .

" o what ya doin ? " jay said and took my dairy

" hey ! Give it back !! " I said and tried to take it . He stood up and started reading it
I started jumping on top of him to take it

Jay p.o.v

I woke up at 6 .  I wish I was sick so I didn't had to study ! Urgh I haye I got up and dressed , and got out of my rooms . I saw Cole come out too

Nya n Seliel came out of there rooms , to be honest . We were waiting , and kept out legs in front of them and best part they tripped over .

" didn't saw u there " Cole said

" more like u didnt saw us here " i said

" whatever " skylor said , she came out of her room well with pixal

" c'mon " pixal and they ran . Weird if u ask me .

We reached our class , as usual early .. according to us .

But this time , i had a new Idea. I took it and told Kai to burn it , and Zane made tiny tiny snowflakes so the fire's out .

" o what ya doin ? " Lloyd asked after i sat and took nya's diary or whatever it was .

" hey ! Give it back !! " she said and tried to take it . Ch she's so tiny ,  i stood up and started reading it
She started jumping on top of me to take it

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now