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Pixal's p.o.v

After a hours we reached our home , it was dark by now . Probably 8 ?

Skylor knocked the door , and a few seconds the door
Opened 2 see our drunk mother

" hello mother . " all 5 of us said unison

" well ?! EXPLAIN ur self , why the f*ck r u b*tches  late ? Hm ? NOW GET IN ! " she shouted at us and pointed at the house

" yes mother . " we said again unison

" well , well , well ?look who managed 2 come back !" Father said and looked at us disgusted way " now ! We have 2 pay this company 2 billion knuts "

"O-ok " i said

" what r u oking at b*tch ! Go and look 4 a job u idiot"
He said and pushed all 5 of us out

" 1st u tell us 2 go in , now u tell us 2 go out !make up ur mind " skylor said

" i know right . Uh pix , how the bododo r we gonna keep our bags in our ... Uhm .. room ? "  Nya asked pixal , who looked at skylor

" teleport " skylor and pixal said

" i can't teleport anymore ! " seleil said and raised her hand

" but I can " skylor said and teleported all 5 of us in our old Dusty room .

" yuck ! We should clean this place tomorrow " harumi said and we all agreed

After keeping our bags , skylor teleported us again outside

" okay , so we split in 2 and 3 ? " rumi said

" or 2 , 2 1 ? " i said

" or separate ? " seleil

" separate " skylor said

" than lets go in seperate ways " nya said we all said and sepertated .

Authors p.o.v

Yay ! We r back with my p.o.v ! Now let's continue shall we :=3

1st , skylor ,randomly chosen

Skylor was walking 2 the WN , workers needed , 2 see a lot of jobs : baby sitter , bar worker , Maid ... and many more

4 the maid 5 were needed so she quickly wrote the number down , and went 2 the other cafe one .

As soon as she opened the door a worker came skating "oh so that's y its called skate N' shake ! " skylor thought

" hello ma'am ! I'm sorry but the skate N shake is about 2 be closed , u can come tomorrow " the worker said

" um . I'm here 4 the Job.. " skylor said

" oh okay ! Manager ! " the girl went 2 get the manager

" u may go Rosalinda " he said , she nodded and went

" so ? Ur here 2 be a maid ? " he asked and skylor nodded

" okay , u can come from tomorrow . " the man said
Skylor thanked him and went

Now let's see hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .. that's a big hmm . Next up harumi !

Harumi was humming and skipping .

" jobs ! Jobs ! Need 2 find a job ! So we can pay that fat-sooo and after a month we will be back .... WITH LLOYD " rumi Sang " OH I told I'll text him. .. oh well I'll go home and text "

After talking 2 herself , she came 2 a pink and blue coloured place which had a flyer stuck on its window
' baby sitter needed ' it said , she smiled 2 herself and went in ( A/N OMN ! I just remembered ! Okay okay .

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now