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~6 days l8r~

Nya's p.o.v

God ! Its been ....6 days since we r doing this and the results r

Only 10 of them is our shadow !

And as the shadow is in my head , I can't study properly . Yesterday 6 more teachers had been murdered and 9 students . And 2 of them were in kg1!

What is wrong with this guy !

Urgh and I have a test the next subject and its physics right now .

Bell rang

I stood up , when I was done putting everything back in my bag .

And I went 2 the door , 2 go 2 my next lesson .

Poof ( and u guys know who came :3)

" nya ! nya ! NYA ! " seleil said worridly

" what !? " i asked " i have a test I need 2 go 2 ! "

" 2 teachers had been murdured right now , and with a new note : ' meet me in the janitor closet 9 pm '

Should we all go or only we both ? "

" we both . " i said .

" Kay and um if getting late " seleil said smiling

" oh yea . C ya ! " I said and ran off

Phew I reached in time but as soon as I entered started barking .... again !

" oh so woof woof somebody woof woof is late woof woof ! " Jay said with a stupid smirk on his face .

" stop smirking or u''ll never be able 2 smirk again " i said and glared at him

" won't ! " j said and glared back . I sat in my seat a little annoyed .

" oh just shut up . " i said

" i hope u and ur sister die soon " Jay said and glared at me .

We all started the test 

The test got over in no time .

It is recess now . I went 2 the cafe 2 get somethin 2 eat . After a few mins Lloyd and my sisters came they also took something 2 eat and we went 2 our place under the tree .

" ahh !! help !! Mr and miss detectives the shadow killed my brother! " and J came and annoyed us

ever since we have planned 2 find the shadow they , Kai , Zane , Cole and Mr.Dog had started doing this

And than Kai came with a fake knife under his arms

" help .... Oh my last words ... I have..a..death wish ... i wish for skylor never 2 be married with any one or go out with anyone in her ... entire little life .. And she die soon so we could rule paradise together " Kai said almost as if it was real ..

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now