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Hey guys ! How r u ?? Sry 4 not updating . U c my brain wasn't working 4 ...3 whole days !! *whispers* Right ?? 3 days right ??

I wrote this chap 3 times ,

So any ways ... here's the update ! Hope ur enjoying the book so far !

And sry if there r 2 many bad words ! And 2 many mistakes ! ( spelling mistakes ! Cause I prefer typing fast and it's a tablet ... people what do u expect not 2 have mistakes ? X3)

Weeks had passed since nya helping kai 2 get skylor like him

But it always failed them both ,

" hey cupcake " Cole said leaning on his locker

" would ? U ? Stop ? Flirting ? With ? Me ?!! For even a day ?? " seliel said 2 him , annoyed because of Cole , he had been doing this since yesterday .

" does cupcake has anger issue problems ? " Cole said
Teasing seleil even more .

" no !! " seliel said , and closed her locker with a bang

" oh c'mon cupcake ! Don't me mad at me " Cole said and pouted

" stop being a baby !! And stop calling me cupcake ! "
She told him , still mad

" why cupcake~ " Cole said , with a smirk on his face

" wipe that smirk of it face or I'll wipe it off ! And ur'll never , Never be able 2 talk . " seliel said , and started walking 2 her class

" oh ! Cupcake ! Don't be so mean . It hurts my poor heart . " Cole said , catching up with seleil by jogging 2 her .

" don't ! call ! me ! cupcake ! Only my boy can give me cute or crazy nick names ! AND ! UR ! NOT HIM ! SO STOP CALLING ME CUPCAKE ! " seliel said angry, mad at the same time .

But this didn't stop cole from teasing Seliel , but than he had other problems now . Who was 'him' ? Who is her boy ? Is he her boyfriend ?

" who's this so called ' boy ' ... cupcake ? " Cole said

" now if u'll excuse me i have some work 2 do " seleil said and entered her class room

" phew ! Thank God he dosent take chemistry " seliel said 2 her self and took her stuffs out as she sat in her seat .

" who dosent take chemistry? ? " nya asked all of a sudden causing seleil 2 jump .

" nya ! Oh it's just u " seliel said in relief

" so .. who ' he ' ?? " nya asked .

Seleil told her everything that happened this morning , ans what happened yesterday while they were working .

" oh ! " she exclaimed as the bell rang

" maths " they both said unison , sighed and went .

" bhow bhow bhow " jay said and smirked at nya . acting like a dog . Nya glared at him . Jay just smiled and glared back but a harder 1 as he entered maths class , he sat in front of nya .

" hey cupcake " Cole said and sat in from of Seliel

" shut up .. I'm not in a mood of playing 'I'm teasing u' " seleil said .

" how is things going with 'I luv u ' boy and 'I hate u ' girl " seleil whispered in nya's ear , making nya giggle

" stupid ...And funny in a way . U see whenever Kai comes near her nowadays he always gets a punched or kicked on his stomach or legs , even before saying anything . Like yesterday
He came 2 give Lloyd his book - Lloyd and skylor sit together in biology - kai just passed her and she kicked his legs . In front of the whole class . But no one noticed " nya whispered and giggled

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now