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Hi guys ! Here's is a new update ! Sry 4 updating 2 late !

Vote - it incorges me a lot

Comment - i wanna know how u guys liked this chap


Enjoy ....
With food 🍟🍗🍞🍯🍟🍕🍯🍖🍮

Nya p.o.v

" oh since when ? " seleil stomped in with the basketball team  " i ain't ur girl ! I'm not anyone's ! "

" hey babe , why so angry? ? " Oscar said with a smirk , i ran in 2 see what was happening

" SHUT UP !! " seleil shouted at him

" why should i babe .. or lets say I will call u what Cole says 2 u . Cupc-" Oscar was about 2 say but Seliel punched him ,

" seleil ! " I said and took her hands , and held them back with all my strength , everyone who were there came 2 see what was happening. .

" leave me alone nya !! " seleil yelled

" seleil .. " i said and motioned her 2 pixal , so she can remember what we had promised each other .

" fine . But if this .. stupid head ! Says me something again he's gonna get it ! " seleil said 2 me ,

" fine by me , i will give him also , than " i said , added a smile

" what ? " Oscar said , Cole snickered at his reaction

" what r u snickering at ? " seleil said as soon as I left her hand , she punched Oscar

" ah that feels better " seleil said 

" uff ! According 2 u it does !! " Oscar said as he held his stomach .

The bell rang

" break at last . I'm starving ! " Harumi said , Thats unusual

We went and 2 the cafeteria 2 get something 2 eat , then we went 2 our usual spot, under the tree .

After 5-10 mins harumi stood up

" excuse me . I need .. 2... puke . I don't feel well " harumi said and ran ..

" huh . Weird should we follow this time ? " i asked they all nodded in agreement .

" 2 make it alot more easier . How bout I teleport us everywhere so it wont take us time . " seleil told us

So she started teleporting us everywhere m without our answer .

She stopped , at the back place of the school , 2 see harumi and Lloyd holding hands .

"Lloyd ! I never knew u 2 .. " i heard Kai say .

" huh ?? What ?? Where did u guys came from ?? " Lloyd and harumi left each others hand , as he heard Kai

" hell " jay said

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now