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'Kai ! Run ! Go go ! Maya . Take them up while I hold them !! ' Ray shouted 2 his wife , and his children
' okay '  Maya said , and took there hands

' is daddy coming mommy ? ' a 5 year old Kai asked

' i suppose not Kai .. ' Maya said sadly

' i want daddy . ' a 3 year old nya sniffed

' Kai , Listen I want u 2 protect ur sister and urself no matter what happens ' Maya said as soon as she went 2 her kids room , and locked it .
'But why mom ?! ' kai asked

' u see , people born with the elemental powers of fire
And water are rarely born . Just like u 2 , ur father and I were born 2 like that ' Maya explained

' so they wanna die us ! ' Kai said .

' exactly ' Maya said , ' Kai , there r bags under ur beds
*bang* Ray ! Go fast ! And .. Take care '

' okay , now nya . Mom said 2 run . I will find bags and u .. ' Kai said ,

' found bags big bther ' nya said happily as she came oh from under the bed .

' Okay , now jump ' Kai instructed nya after he jumped
Of the window

' j-j-ju-jump ??!! N-no I - i cant ' nya said , as she looked Down from the window

'Do it 4 mom and dad ! 'Kai said , knowing this was the only way

Nya jumped as soon as she heard what Kai said

And they ran , out of the village
They kept on running untill Kai and nya bumped into
A few guys
' heey ! Isn't this guy looking like that guy who boss
Wanted ?? ' 1 of them asked
' yea ! Get em ! ' another one ordered them .
Nya and Kai got separated because of them

With Nya

' i can do this ! 4 mommy and daddy ! ' nya said
2 herself , she ran faster and faster
'I-i cant do this' she thought .
Soon She came 2 an alley , she sat there and opened her bag 2 see if there was some water . Nya dranked some and kept it in her bag .

Soon not knowing , she fell asleep there

Days later

Nya was again walking around the place , hoping
2 find Kai

' i can't do this . Mommy , daddy and brther gone '
She said 2 herself , and sat down ona doorstep ,she started crying

The door opened 2 reveal a pink and blue haired girl

' hi . Umm .. my .. mother .. wants..u..2 .. ' the girl said but rudely got interrupted by a women around the age of 29

' i wanted u 2 .. oh . U coukd be quite useful ! ' she said as soon as she saw , that she can be turned into someone like her other daughters

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now