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Skylor p.o.v

I'm so happy ! I can stay in my room the whole day ! And not see those annoying human beings for a whole day . Yeah !!

But that day will be annoyingly tomorrow! 1 whole day 2 wait !

I got out of my room , and went 2 my class . I was way 2 early 2day

So I opened my book of elements and started reading it . Every elemental master has it . 2 know and unlock there elemental powers .

I was reading about fire , 2 know about my new stupid element .

"Gooood morning skylo " harumi greeted me , a little cheerfully

" morning " i greeted her back

" Oh ! So reading about fire today huh ?? " rumi asked leaning on me .

" yeah . " i answerd back .


" Good morning Seliel " we both said unison

" urgh ! I was gonna scare u guys ... " she muttered and sat down .

" hi guys ! " pixal and nya came and sat in there places

The classes started , its history ( note :
Kai , skylor , pixal are in history
Jay , nya , Seliel , Cole  are in maths
Harumi , Lloyd , zane are in geography
They all are in different subjects .)

I was going with pixal 2 our history class . I don't like it but I we had 2 take at least 6 subjects so i took history at the end . It's so brain eating borning subject .

I entered the class , and sat . We all were paired . I was with Kai . Pixal was with lola .

I took my pencil , pen , eraser , ruler and made a line
So Kai don't come in my side .

Kai came and sat and threw all my hard work down . I glared at him and took them .

" now . I want u all 2 complete this worksheet with ur partners - " our teacher was telling us when Kai interrupted him

" can I exchange partners with pixal ???!!!!!!!!! " Kai said angrily . Well I would love that 2 happen .

" oh yes please ! " Lola said battering her eyelashes at Kai , she's his gf . Yuck ! Shes so gross !

" no . The partners who ur assigne- " sensei was cutter of agin by Kai , but this time Kai stood up and took him by his collar . I feel sad for the sensei's over here .

" listen you ! No one says 'no' to me " Kai said

He was about 2 punch sensei in the stomach , I made the sensei teleport 2 his desk . It uses alot of energy 2 teleport someone .

" why you little ! " Kai glared at me . A hard and creepy one . Because of which I gulped .

He rolled his eyes and sat down and started working .
Everyone started . So did I . I didn't talk to Kai the whole time . Which kinda felt good : )

Cole p.o.v

The bell rang and we had 2 go our classes , I had maths with jay

2 figures ran beside us

" ha I won ! " one of them said , it was a girl

" no I won ! " the other said , who was also a girl .

" nope ! " the 1st one said .

" i did ! " the other said , oh it was Seliel and nya . The stupid heads

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now