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" what if its 1 of the students ? " Walton thought
" wake all the students and tell them go 2 the hall , the all r going 2 sleep there tonight "

' if any student will get out 2 night , it must be him or her . '

The whole hall was filled with beds ,  as all of them were seniors all were up and talking

" hey rumi , stop playing with lloyd's hair and here " pixal said , harumi was sitting and Lloyd was on her last , his head was on her lap

" can I come 2 ? " Lloyd asked them , they said k so he came .

" i was thinking . Should we .. like u know .. find who it was ? " nya said

" i know right . We should . It'll be fun 2 " seleil said

" okay than .... hmmm ... we will need a plan " Lloyd said

" i know . So listen up " skylor told " how bout we .. ask Mr.Walton 4 all the guys pics , than we separate the ones who were blue . After that we see 4 a week who were blue all the time . And than bingo we get our shadow ."

" sry 2 break ur bubble . But we just have a week and than HOLIDAYS ! " harumi told the 5 .

" true " skylor sighed

" but hey ! look at the bright side ! We aren't going home "  Nya said excitedly , and the 5 girls high 5ed

" ok than its settled " pixal said

" uh but . How the heck r we gonna sleep ?? " Seliel asked


I am so sry 4 not updating today . I got a lot of homework

I don't think I'll be able 2 update tomorrow. 

So ... who do think us the shadow ?

Hope u liked this chap

Also I was so damn surprised when I saw this


here  right there is my book cover . I was so damn surprised when I saw it .

Okay c ya

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now