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The 6 went looking 4 harumi ; Lloyd wen 2 the park , nya was still at work , seleil 2 the baby sitting place , pixal 2 the park as welll and skylor 2 the fountain area

Skylor walked 2 the south . Than 2 the north and again south ..

skylor soon she got tired so she sat on the bench that she saw a few minutes ago .

"God ! I hope the others found her " she took her phone out and called pixal

"Hey sky , any luck ? " pixal asked

Skylor sighed and answered "no"

" I'll call the others and ask " skylor continued

"They'll call u if they find her . Ok ?" Pixal said

"Fine , bye " skylor ended the call , and burried her head in her hands .

Skylor didnt notice a brown spikey ( ⬅right spikey spelling right ?? ) haired boy came and sit next 2 her .
" Hey " the boy said . Which made skylor come back .

"H-huh ? What ? " skylor raised her head a little after hearing the voice .

"Skylor ?! " the boy said , surprised 2 see her

"K-Kai ? " she said and looked at boy named Kai . Who smiled at her .

" what r u doing here ? " he said happy 2 see her

" looking for harumi .  " skylor burried her head again in her hand .

"Uh ? I don get u ." Kai said , confused

" well , u see .. when I came home . Harumi wasn't there and  I called her . Her phone was in the house . So I went looking 4 her ... and called Lloyd 2 ask if she's with him . But he said no . So we all went seperate ways 2 look for her " skylor explained ,

"MAN ! she's not a 10 year old kid or somethin ! She will find her way back 2 ur home  " Kai said .

"But .... we ... um ... " skylor was lost 4 words not knowing on how 2 tell him . Kai raised a brow , waiting 4 an answer  .

Skylor at the end sighed , and said

" Kai .... we work for our parents , they ... like ... er .. are ... making us work for them . Harumi and I were already tortured by him Since we were kids ,

later he married pixals mother . Who also was like my dad , drinking and other stuffs . We found out that pixal wasnt like her , she was like her real father, that was the reason they divorced . "

"A-and what about nya ??" Kai asked

" well , I found seleil in a park , angry as usual . So I told her 2 come with us . She came with me happily , she even worked happily

Nya was on our door step sitting . When seleil opened the door , with our mother . She .. just .. took her in .. not as a daughter but as a worker " skylor told him

"And , did nya mention anything , like ... u know , nya having a brother ? " kai asked , already knowing the answer but trying 2 be sure

" well" skylors eyes widened and she looked at kai "she's ur sister ! "

"Exactly ! But she dosent accept it ! " Kai said

"I'm 101 % sure that she will . One day " skylor said and smiled .

Her phone suddenly rang

"Hello ? " someone said

Kai's p.o.v

I came out of our school for a little walk . And a bit of fresh air .

I was walking , I never came 2 th I place ! Never !

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now