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"Will u go out with me ?" Kai asked softly

" Kai , 1st u flirt with me . Than u ask me on a force date . Than u kiss me . After that u go back 2 ur mean self " skylor said and Kai crossed his arms

fine .... maybe we can ?? Start as friends ??  " Kai asked

" K . But ONLY friends " skylor said and smiled , Kai returned the smile

" so .. wana go out 2 movies tonight ? " skylor looked at him and Kai give her a awkward smile

" sry , sry " Kai mumbled and scratched his neck

"it's fine . I know ur like that" skylor Said and stood up

Kai stood up quickly and followed skylor . " so where r u going "

"Home , Its a long way home . If u want u can stay with us for a while " skylor said .

" ok .Lloyd'll be there , right ? " kai asked as they started walking towards skylors place

" yea .. probably yea ." Skylor said .

" um .. kai ." Skylor said nervously after a while

" yea ? " kai said not looking at her

" d-do u know where we r ? " skylor said and looked at him

" don't u know where u r ?" Kai said and looked at her who just shook her head

Lloyd p.o.v

Just because I broke up with her , she went of !! She's such a drama queen !

My heart says she's so beautiful and cute ! And i love her

My head says she isn't that sweet , and the person who u thought she was ! And i hate her

And my mouth says .. nothing .. nothing at all ..

I went in this place in between a few bamboo sticks . Oh !! Harumi !!

( harumi is so cute , in this pic !! I had 2 use it ! )

"H-harumi ? " i stuttering ,

" oh ,Hey Lloyd " harumi said and rolled her eyes .

" Uh ... sry bout what happened.... today in the mornin ." I mumbled

" follow what it heart says , that's what skylor said 2 me . And my heart says .... I HATE YOU , I don't wana be with u anymore " harumi said and glared at me

'And mine says 2 be with u ' I sighed

" what ?! Did u say something ? " harumi said

" yea I did " I lied

" ok .. what ? " harumi raised a brow

" that , ur sisters r looking 4 u and they want u home"
I said simply

" kay " harumi stood up and I followed her .

After 15 minutes we reached there house .
Harumi knocked the door , and fixed her skirt .

" so ? Where the f*ck wher-" a woman said than stopped as she looked at me " oh , hello there handsome "

" isn't she married ? "  I whispered 2 harumi , who just nodded

" harumi !! Stop talking 2 him and get it a** in " her mother shouted at her " and u , would u like some thing 2 drink ? "

" Uh .. no thx .. " I said as I walked in . Gosh . It must be a hard life 4 these 5 .

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now