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The 5 girls were at there house , working for their parents . It as hard though , the while house stinked with alcohol .

It was quite hard for pixal as she was allergic to alcohol , and their parents would say to pixal to give them some .

It 10 pm when their parents slept . The girls quietly tip toed out of the house for some fresh air .

As soon as they came out they started to walk to a small park for some fresh air

Talking and walking , they reached there . A familiar brown haired boy was sitting on a bench , making out with a girl ( and I got this idea rn )

As skylor saw this , mixture of emotions came . Her sisters tried to drag skylor away from there but she stomped to the boy

" Kai !! This is the exact reason y I said no !! " skylor stomped up to him

" oh hey sky , what's up ? " kai said in his usual way

" don't u sky me !! U ask me on a date . And I say no and y did I say ?? " skylor asked , fire burning within her

" Cause I would cheat over u , right ? " kai said , now getting mad as well

" yes ! " skylor said , she had liked Kai for long . And this was enough . She couldn't take it any more , of Kai doing all this , especially in front of her .

" well , Casey told me 2 teach her how 2 kiss ."Kai said and casey looked innocently at the girls

" well , I never kissed anyone and I wanted to learn the different styles . I asked Kai 2 teach me " Casey said

" c'Mon skylor , let's go . They don't know what's good or not " pixal said and took skylor's hand and went . The other 3 followed her . Kai glanced at them once , than sat next to Lola .

There was a lump in skylor's throat . She felt like she was going 2 cry

Different things were running in her head

' does Kai really like casey , not me ? '
' why does Kai always ask me out ? '
' who's Casey ? I thought he liked lola '
' did Kai just got angry at me ?? '

"Skylor which flavour do u want " harumi said , bringing skylor to life

" uhm.." she looked where they were , they were outside an ice cream shop " chocolate"

And after paying they went home . Carefully they opened the door , tip toed to there room .

Pixal locked the room , fixed there beds , changed into thier night clothes

And after telling them about the job , they all went 2 sleep

_ _

Alo !!

I updated !! And there is only I guess half hour left before the internet goes eeek !!
Good part is I updated 😁😁

I've got a question guys , I'm doing my 100 followers speical book , and I've got 2 book ideas . And I dont know which one 2 do . So u guys choose
1. Love young

 Love young

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