chapter 31

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Nya's p.o.v

I woke up by a yummy smell of ..... ewww bacon !! Gross ... who's making breakfast today ?

" who's making breakfast today " I said , my eyes still closed . 2 lazy to wake up and ask

" me " a boy said

" who me ? " the person beside me said,i turned around to snuggle on a warm body beside me

" me , cole ! " Cole said "and why Dont you , juliet and Romeo get ur a**es up , huh ? "

" cole ! Languge ! " seleil said from behind

Ever since we started dating , the boys stopped saying bad words , we controlled over there language

" fine" I said , and sat . Than slowly went to the washroom

After a minute I came out and went to the kitchen to grab something 2 eat , I made my self an egg .

" still don't get it y u don't like bacon " harumi said and looked up

" isn't it obvious " skylor said , she didn't like it as well , she was eating cereals .

" nope " pixal said ,

I sighed and sat down . After I was done , it was lloyd's turn 2 wash the dishes .

So I went out , 2nd walk . After a few minutes , I felt like I was being followed

I just ignored it and continued walking .

" Hey meow " I flinched at the voice , there is only one guy in this world who calls me meow

" hi jay " I said and turned around  , to see him leaned on a tree " what are you doing here ? "

" nothing " he said and hugged me , from my top

" nothing " he said and hugged me , from my top

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" nothing ? Huh ? " i said , as we walked

" yup " he said ,

" meow .. " Jay said , after a loooooooong pause

" yea " I looked at him

" meet me tommorow , at the roof top , of the Italia Plezza " Jay said and walked of like that

Skylor's p.o.v

As nya was out for a walk , Jay followed her . Pixal and Zane have a date today , so they were out as well.
I wanted to hang with Kai , but he was busy . Playing a video game with Lloyd and Cole

I sighed , as I saw them

" oh c'Mon Kai ! How come you win !! Again !! " lloud whined as Kai beat them for the 4th time

" it's called talent " Kai said and winked

" yea wait till jay beats it a*-" cole said , and looked at seleil who stared at him " beats ur butt away "

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now