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Days had passed , and school started again . It was
1st day of term 2 . The 5 girls , as they got used to the badness of this school were walking normally .

As they entered the class , they saw the 5 boys sitting there .

" hey pix " zane said and smiled at her she returmed the smile and said "h-hey zane , what's up "

" the ceiling is up " he said . Her sisters went to their usual seat and sat .

Pixal also went , and sat in hers . Zane followed her and sat in the front seat .

Harumi did noticed lloyd , but she just ignored him . Just like he ignored her .

Skylor was busy thinking y wasn't Kai with Casey ? They were dating . So y ??

Nya was busy seeing ou the window . And seleil was getting annoyed by Cole .

Soon the Bell rang and everyone went to their class ;

kai and skylor : maths

Cole , seleil , nya and Jay : music

Lloyd and harumi : geography

Pixal and Zane : history


Harumi and Lloyd , sat together . And in the whole class . They were ignoring each other .

" excuse me , can u get ur out of this place . Oh wait who am I kidding . U can't excuse anyone " Lloyd said , trying to get out of his seat 

" uh huh ?? Ur excused ! Get out of my face " harumi said and gave him a death glare and he returned it

" Lloyd ! Harumi ! Stop fighting " their teacher , Jacob said now annoyed " this has to be the 10th time I'm stopping u 2 ! "

" tell him ! Not me ! He's the one who starts it all " harumi said , stood up in anger .

" me !? Ur the one who started all of this  " Lloyd scoffed

" says who , who became the green masked guy " harumi said " I'm outta here "

Harumi took her things and went out of the class . jacob glared at Lloyd and told him to go and bring her back . Lloyd stomped of to get her , he listened to this teacher cause this was his fave one

He started searching for her .

" harumi get ur a** over here , the sensei wants u to come back " Lloyd said over and over again .

He went into different places , cafeteria , outside the school , but she wasn't anywhere . Than at the end he went to the 3rd floor . Where he searched the everywhere as well .

After minutes of searching he heard a few sniffs . As if someone was crying . He quickly ran to the sniffing and he saw her there . The door was open a little , so he peeked through it . 

Crying a bit , with pixal comforting her . He listened to the door whole convo

" but U do know I hate him now .. "

" but , I do know u like him . Somewhere in there . It heart is still saying 'I love u Lloyd' " pixal said

"No , I hate him . And i love someone else . Someone u don't know , pix ." Harumi said and once more sniffed .

Pixal sighed and stood up "I'll be going than" llpud quickly hid behind a wall . As soon as pixak was out of his view , he ran inside

" who Is the person who u love tell me his name !" Lloyd said , looking at harumi who didn't look at him

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now