441 21 15

Yallo !

Well , I'm almost done with chapter 1 . And soon enough I will publish it 😄

I just wana ask u a question , do u think this book cover is good

I just wana ask u a question , do u think this book cover is good

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Or this

Oh and one more thing

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Oh and one more thing

People , who read can you please vote ?

I need to show it to my sister that look ,

I can write , and people like them

My sister , thinks I can't write

Without taking her permission I published a book ,

So please help me with this by comments and votes .


Yea , I know it's like forcing you guys , but its true . I took her permission than I published my ninjago art book . She dosent know about this one , or any of my books .

So guys help me plz , so I can tell her .

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now