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Pixal'S p.o.v

A few days had passed , and the 2 both guys went from our house

Everyday was the same :
Wake up ,
Make breakfast for our parents ,
Eat some of it
Go 4 the job ,
Serve some peeps for at least 2 hours or 3
Come home ,
Work for our parents
Go 2 sleep

Next day
Wake up
Make breakfast for our parents ,

And same like yesterday

I'm so tired !!

And the worst part is , they drink .. ALOT . And I'm allergic to it , so they give It to me .

Rn I'm in skate N'Shake ( I forgot the name of it ) amd working , its tge last hour than im gonna go home with Seliel .

The phone rang , huff . An order now

Me : hello . Skate N'Shake , how can I help u ?

??? : PIXAL ?!?

Me : sry but we don't serv- hey how do u know my name !?

??? : *chuckle* u don't serve pixals , huh pixal ?

Me : *blushing a little* no .... I never said that ..

??? : Kay than ....

Me : ok , I'm done .

After I said that , I closed the phone on his face

" what's the order than ? " Amy , a wroker as well , asked

" nothing " I told her ,

"Oh , Okay ." She said and skated of

" I'm hungry " seleil said and rested her chin on my shoulders

" sometimes , if so much like Cole " I said and as I knew , she said it

" Im not like him !! I hate him " seleil said and stood straight " I don't like him"

" ah which means u like him" I teased her

" no I dont " she blushed and went to serve the person who was next to me " and besides it's not like u Dont like Zane "

" I don't ! " I lied . I have a tiny little , winy crush on him ... but I don't like telling them . What if it ends like harumi and lloud breaking up ? They both do hate each other ... ALOT now

" hmm .. Dont lie to ur sister " seleil said and smirked
" I know u like him and u have a crush on him "

" n-no " I said and blush like mad

" pomp ur red " seleil said and pinched my nose " which means , u do "

" fine I like him . Happy " I said and crossed my arms

Beep beep

" now who it is " I said and picked up the phone

Me : hello

??? : hi , r u pixal , nya , skylor , harumi and seleil? ?

Me : no , I'm pixal .

??? : ok , u have signed up for tea cafe , right ?

Me : uh . Yea .

??? : ok than . From tommorow u can come and work here .

Me : that's great . We'll come

I said and closed the phone happily

Zanes p.o.v

" Ok . Truth or dare ? " Lloyd asked

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now