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Seliel p.o.v

" uh but . How the heck r we gonna sleep ?? " i asked , not sure how we r gonna sleep , like which way or sometyin like that

" just like the sensies said : with each other , 1 bed " Lloyd said and smirked , looked at harumi who went red

" whatever ur thinking get that out of ur little pea brain " pixal said , Lloyd raised his hands in defence

So , we slept like this :
Nya , Jay , Bella
Zane , pixal , me , Cole ,
Kai , skylor , harumi , Lloyd

I kinda feel sad 4 nya , sleeping with her enemy . Sure Cole is my enemy 2 , but he's sweet , cute , strong - get that out of ur brain .

" just saying I'm sry if I hug or snuggle u " I said 2 cole and blushed a little

" oh he okay " cole said , smirked .

" wipe that smirk of ur face ! " I said ,

" so what will ut boy will say if u hug me hmm ? " Cole questioned

" well . Only if he was here than he could say something ! " I told him , I miss him so much . My childhood crush .

Cole took his shirt of . Eeek . I closed my eyes tightly

" p-put that shirt back on " i stuttered

" oh so u havent seen a guy shirtless ?! " Cole said , I bet he's smirking

" even if I haven't wear it " i told him , still eyes closed

" fine , night ...cupcake " cole , said .

" night night....Dont call me that .." I mumbled . I'm so darn sleepy . I just hope he has wore his shirt

Zane p.o.v

" I'm sleeping with u right ? " pixal asked ,

" yes "I said ,

" fine . " she said , and took her bag , my bag and a few cushions and made a line with them " don't cross this line or else !! "

" mhm fine by me " i said

" good night , " she said and hugged seleil

" night " i said .

After a few mins , something hugged me , I looked down 2 see pixal . I chuckled , she's so cute some times ... Well all the time . I think I'm gonna tell her this tomorrow . But for now . I'm gonna sleep as well

Kai's P.o.v

" hey skylor .... " i said , okay this is my chance

"Yes k-" she said but before she completed her sentence . I kissed her .

I could see with the cornor of my eyes nya smiling .

After 2 or 3 mins I broke the kiss , for some air. Oh skylor is beetroot red

" w-w-wh-what di-did u do t-that f-for ??!! " skylor asked still red .

" uh u know ... that ... already " i said obviously

"...yes ... I do ... " she said , still red .

" now ... wana go out with me ? " i asked hoping 4 a yes

Not enough strength , but still she tried 2 punch me

" .... even if I say no will u accept it ? " she said

" nope I won't " i sajd

" ur forcing me 2 date u ! " she said

" but 4 now ... sry I sleep shirtless " i said an took my shirt of , she turned , and laid down, her back was with me so I hugged her .

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now