Chapter 32

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Nya's p.o.v

I quickly changed my clothes , to meet jay . He wanted to meet me at the Italia pleeza .

Ok , I'm kinda .. or lets say super nervous and excited.

What if he wants me to be his wife ? Or finance ? Like Kai asked skylor !?

Oooh !! I hope he does !!

I went out of the door , well it's kinda far from here , so  I went out a little early

Walking in the cold night is fun ! I wandered around a little bit extra . Than at the end , I went to the place where he called me .

The restartant was a 3 story building , so I had to go to the roof top , so count that as 4th floor or somethin' like that

Well , I would do anything , to tell him the exciting news !!!

I walked and walked and walked up the stairs till I reached , oof it took forever ! Jay !

I saw jay standing there , I jogged up to him

" hey jay ! " I said , rather excitedly , well . I have great news !

Jay looked at me " nya , I want to tell you something "

" so do I want to tell you something ! Jay we are going to have a ba-" " nya Smith , I hate you"

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now