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Pixal woke up , she was in a room .

" when did I came here ? " she asked her self . She stood up and bumped into something , something big and hard .

" who are you " she asked , she looked down and saw 4 bodies , unconscious bodies , the bodies had blood on them

" nya ?! Skylor ! Harumi , Seliel !!!! Wake up ! " she asked , scared , terrified .

" they r dead . And so will u be dead . " a guy said .

" Zane ? W-what do u mean " she asked confused , she saw a knife , which was in zanes had .

" this is what I mean " Zane said and kept the knife , which went in her neck

*-*-*-* *-*-*-*- *-*-*-*-* *-*-*-* *-*-*-*-*

Pixal woke up with a scream . She looked around
" oh it was just a ...dream ... "

" what happened pixal ?? " skylor had woken up because of pixal

" nothing .. just a bad dream .. nothing much , u go 2 sleep . " pixal said , sighed at the end .

" should w go 2 our own rooms ? There isn't much space over here after all " skylor asked . Pixal nodded

And they woke up everyone , not harumi . So they went 2 there own rooms and slept

The very next day

" ITS MORNING !! " seliel said teleporting 2 her sisters room , she would go 2 1 room and say and go 2 the others . She was up with nya .

At the end skylor got annoyed so when Seliel came in her room she threw her cushion on Seliel which landed perfectly on her face and she fell down .

" oh ! So someone's in a bad mood . " Seliel said in an obvious way ,

" no its not that !! UR annoying me hmph " skylor said and sat , and starting making her hairs into a bun .

" well sleeping beauty ! I am up , and so is nya ! " seliel said . Which made skylor stop .

" well ? Get out of my room . I need 2 change " skylor said , taking her clothes out of her closet
So Seliel went . And 1 by 1 the others started waking up . The food hall was full by 9 am , the girls were done so they all went in there separate ways .

Harumi went to meet Lloyd , by making an excuse saying she wanted 2 bath

Pixal went 2 really have a bath

Skylor went 2 the library ( with seleil ), 2 check if there r any elemental books

Nya went to a walk outside , while seleil went 2 help skylor

With harumi

" Lloyd !! " harumi said jumping on top of him

" mornin princess " Lloyd greeted her ,

" Good morning " she greeted back ..

" wanna go 4 a walk " he asked

" no !! Nya is on a walk ! What if she finds !!?? What of she tells my sisters !! And what if UR brothers find out ?? " she said , almost like she was telling him something horror .

" k than .. " Lloyd said . And took her hand ran 2 his room with her ..

" ohh ! That makes sense ! We can spend time here ! " she said .

" yup "

And they started talking ..

" umm Lloyd .. can I ask u..something ? " harumi said. Blushing a little

ninjago : I hate you { jaya fanfic Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now