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"So you're from a dystopian type of future?" Brain asked, earning a nod from Robin; who'd explained the future he came from, "And how did you travel from the future?" Robin tapped his forehead, saying, "My consciousness is from the future, I traveled to this younger body. I know, pretty weird. And when you put in the fact that you fail to rule the world and we all end up enslaved in outer space, it does sound like a dystopian future..."

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?" Brain asked. "I think so Brain," replied Pinky, "but isn't the writer ripping off X-Men Days of Future Past?" Brain scowled and said, "No Pinky, it seems our friend from the future needs my help in order to ensure none of us become enslaved. And since my chances of world domination now seem uncertain, I feel obligated to help Robin Warner."

"Great! Thanks Brain, I knew I could count on you," said Robin. "Yes, now what do you propose for a plan?" Brain asked. "We'd probably need someone like Superman to stop The Monstars..." Robin pondered, then he snapped his fingers and said, "That's it! Brain, we could create a Multiverse portal machine that can help us find a Superman to help stop Swackhammer." Brain smiled and said, "Yes... That could work... Let us begin creating the machine!"

For the next few hours, Robin and The Brain built a super portal machine that had a super computer that visualized billions of alternate dimensions, and a portal to enter into whichever dimension you chose. When it was finished, Robin typed the words DC Universe. The Super Computer then showed millions of alternate DC Universes, some Robin was familiar with. "Egad, that's a lot of worlds... Narf!" Pinky commented. "Here's an interesting one," said Robin as he observed an alternate DC Universe labeled Earth -70. Robin immediately thought of the Dark Multiverse from Dark Night Metals. 

He clicked on it to see what it was like. It was like any DC Universe, with it's typical heroes and typical villains. Only this time, Darkseid had succeeded in finding the Anti-Life Equation. And he didn't end up in the Source Wall. And with his newfound power, Darkseid decided to annihilate Earth -70. As Robin observed, Darkseid was literally destroying everything. 4 Green Lantern rings flew out of their sector, searching for new hosts. Robin typed on the Super Computer, is Barbara Gordon alive on this Earth? The Super Computer replied with a yes. Robin then typed, is she currently Batgirl or Oracle? The response was Oracle. Next, Robin typed, is Clark Kent/Superman alive on this Earth? The response was a yes. Next, Robin typed an order, show me the locations of Clark Kent and Barbara Gordon. He saw Barbara sitting in her wheelchair in the Gotham Clock Tower, and Clark with his wife Lois, their infant son Jonathan, and Clark's cousin Kara Zor El Kent, Supergirl. 

"Brain, are you pondering what I'm pondering?" Robin asked. "Rescue Miss Gordon and Superman's family?" Brain asked. Robin nodded and asked, "Got a car?" 

"We do actually," replied Pinky, and Robin saw the Batmobile from the 1966 TV Series. "Brain, open the portal," ordered Robin as he got in the Batmobile, ready to rescue Barbara Gordon and Clark Kent's family from Earth -70

 "Brain, open the portal," ordered Robin as he got in the Batmobile, ready to rescue Barbara Gordon and Clark Kent's family from Earth -70

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