The Monstars Return!

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It was May 19, 2018. Bugs decided to spend time with Lola at Pismo Beach. He wasn't sure if Swackhammer would find him. He smiled at Lola as they walked on the beach and said, "I love you." Lola cuddled on Bugs and said, "I love you too Bugs." They held hands. "Bugs, are you alright?" Lola asked. "Yeah," said Bugs, "hey Lola, remember the first time we met?" Lola smiled and said, "Yeah. That was a happy memory. Bugs, there's something I was wondering..." But before Bugs could ask, an old familiar voice said, "Well look what we have here..." It was Swackhammer! Bugs and Lola looked in shock. "Swackhammer?!?!?!" Lola asked in shock. "That's right sweetheart," said Swackhammer, "and there's more." Behind them were the Monstars!

"Pound? Blanko? Bang? Bupkus?" Bugs asked, "what happened to you guys?" Swackhammer had a blaster with the Blue Monkey Diamond and said, "I turned 'em back to The Monstars

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"Pound? Blanko? Bang? Bupkus?" Bugs asked, "what happened to you guys?" Swackhammer had a blaster with the Blue Monkey Diamond and said, "I turned 'em back to The Monstars." Pound said, "The Mean Team is back, Wussy Man!" Swackhammer smiled evilly. "Wait, where's Nawt?" Lola asked. "He's dealing with the duck," replied Bupkus. Pound grabbed Bugs by the ears, lifting him up in the air, smiling evilly at him. Bang and Blanko cornered Lola. "Where do you think you're going doll?" Bang asked. Lola, offended, angrily asked, "Doll?" She was ready to kick Bang, but then Blanko grabbed her foot, hanging her upside down. 

"The jig is up, Tunes," said Swackhammer, "you're all going on an all expense trip to Moron Mountain, where you're all going to be my attractions!"

"Over my dead body!" Lola said angrily. "That can be arranged." Swackhammer said evilly. Lola then spit on his face. "Let's get to the spaceship," ordered Swackhammer as he and the Monstars walked around the beach, the Monstars carrying Bugs and Lola. Meanwhile, Nawt was dragging Daffy Duck by the foot, and Daffy was screaming for help. They all met at the spaceship, and Swackhammer said, "Well done Nawt."

"This duck's been yammering on and on," said Nawt, "Bupkus, can you deal with him?" Bupkus laughed and said, "With pleasure." He then grabbed Daffy, facing him with an evil smile. Daffy then whimpered, "mother." The three Tunes were then dragged into the spaceship where they would be sent to Moron Mountain.

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