Saving Lola

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Bugs, Daffy, and Superman walked around Moron Mountain, looking for Lola. Oracle informed Bugs and Superman that Lola was in Swackhammer's office. "Who are you talking to?" Daffy asked clueless. "Oracle." Bugs and Superman said together as if it wasn't unusual. "Who's Oracle?" Daffy asked. "She's the former Batgirl," said Superman, and Daffy nodded, trying to wrap his head around that.

They were then at Swackhammer's office. They looked to see where Lola was. Suddenly, a bright light flashed, revealing Swackhammer. "Making an escape plan, rabbit?" Swackhammer smugly asked, smirking, "Gotta give you credit for adding Superman, that's pretty original, I guess." Superman glared at him and said, "We meet at last, Swackhammer." He chuckled and said, "You tights wearing heroes are so generic. We meet again and all that. What else is new? End of the line for all of you."

"Where's Lola?" Bugs demanded. "Oh, your significant bunny?" Swackhammer taunted, "Let's just say she's tied up at the moment!" He then revealed a stage where Lola was tied up above struggling, and down below, a pool full of green skinned piranhas with razor sharp teeth, hungry for rabbit flesh. "Lola!" Bugs said with concern. Superman held him back, saying, "Bugs, we need to think up a plan..."

"Oh, a plan?" Swackhammer taunted, "Here's a plan. All of you surrender right now, or else your girlfriend bunny sleeps with the fishes. Literally!" Lola said in fright, "BUGS, HELP!!!" Daffy was nowhere to be seen. "Wait, where's Daffy?" Superman asked. The duck was right behind Swackhammer. "I think I got a feeling," replied Bugs, "how good's your throwing arm, Supes?"

"Hey Swackhammer, guess what time it is?" Daffy asked. Swackhammer turned around and asked, "What time is it?" Daffy grinned and said, "2 seconds before I honk your nose and give you a wedgie!" 2 seconds later, Daffy then honked Swackhammer's nose and gave him a wedgie, laughing his signature woo hoo! "Now!" Bugs yelled as Superman picked Bugs up, and used his Super Heat Vision to burn the rope that was holding Lola up above, and she began to fall. She screamed in terror, thinking this was the end. Superman then threw Bugs, and the old grey hare caught her in the nick of time, and they landed on the ground, much to the disappointment of the piranhas. "You alright?" Bugs asked as he looked at Lola. "That... Was... Crazy!" Lola said as Bugs untied her. She sighed in relief, "I love you..." They then kissed on the lips. "Hey, you two can make out later, we gotta go!" Daffy ordered. "I'm with Daffy on this one," said Superman, "let's go!" Bugs, Lola, Daffy, and Superman then ran to the door, but Swackhammer blocked the exit, holding his ray gun.

"Not so fast," he said, "you're not going anywhere, not as long as I have a say in it!"
"Well we're escaping," said Bugs.
"No you're not," said Swackhammer.
"Yes we are," said Bugs.
"No you're not," said Swackhammer.
"Yes we are," said Bugs.
"No you're not," said Swackhammer.
"Yes we are," said Bugs.
"No you're not," said Swackhammer.
"No we're not," said Bugs, tricking Swackhammer.
"Yes you are," said Swackhammer, falling for it.
"No we're not," said Bugs.
"Yes you are," said Swackhammer.
"No we're not," said Bugs.
"You are leaving, and that's final!" Swackhammer said, letting them go. "Okay doc, whatever you say," said Bugs as he, Lola, Daffy, and Superman left the exit. "Works every time," said Lola as Bugs held her hand.

Swackhammer then realized he'd been tricked like a jackass. He then angrily said, "Pound! Blanko! Bupkus! Bang! Nawt!" The Monstars then ran in. "Whaddup, boss?" Pound asked. "Those Looney Tunes have escaped!" Swackhammer angrily said, "Get them!!!" The Monstars obeyed.

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