Moving In

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A couple days later, things worked out. Clark, Lois, Kara, Jonathan, and Barbara all became official residents of ACME Acres. The Kent Family all moved into a house together. Clark got a job as a Security Guard at the Warner Studio. He grew a beard and got a pair of glasses so nobody would recognize him for the time being. Kara got a job as a secretary at the studio also. As for Barbara, she stayed with Robin at his house. And every Sunday, the Kent Family would have dinner with Robin and Barbara, while setting up a game plan.

The first night it was just Robin with Barbara, they got along fine. "So, you're more than welcome to sleep in my guest room," offered Robin. "That depends," said Barbara, "is this guest room upstairs or downstairs? Actually wait, do you have a basement?" Robin smiled and said, "You'll be relieved to know that my guest room is by the kitchen. I normally don't have guests." He chuckled a little. "Mind if I take a look?" Barbara asked. Robin rolled her wheelchair to the guest room, opening it for her.

The room had a bed with purple blankets, a basketball shaped pillow, a Tweety Bird plush, several sneakers and Powerpuff Girls Slippers, a wardrobe shelf, several posters, including a poster of Linkin Park, and a Barbie doll dressed like Batgirl, down to the red hair.

The room had a bed with purple blankets, a basketball shaped pillow, a Tweety Bird plush, several sneakers and Powerpuff Girls Slippers, a wardrobe shelf, several posters, including a poster of Linkin Park, and a Barbie doll dressed like Batgirl, ...

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Barbara looked around the guest room, noticed the Linkin Park poster and asked, "Linkin Park?" Robin rolled her wheelchair into the guest room. "They were my Ellie's favorite band," explained Robin. "Ellie?" Barbara asked, then realized, "Oh... Robin, I'm so sorry." She sadly looked at him. "When we were first in a relationship," explained Robin, "her ex was stalking her. He knew where she lived. She was afraid of what he could do to her. So I offered her to crash in my place. She picked this spare room, and I let her make this room as if it were her home. When I lost her, I didn't have the heart to move all her stuff. So it's been there since."

"Do you miss her?" Barbara asked. "There's never a day that goes by I don't miss her," said Robin as he remembered being with Ellie. "I like that Barbie doll dressed like me," complimented Barbara as she smiled at the doll. "Figured you would," said Robin, "hope you don't mind sleeping here." Barbara smiled and said, "How can I refuse?" Robin got to the shelf, and opened the drawer, getting out a pair of pajamas that clearly belonged to Ellie. Robin gave them to Barbara and said, "Figured this might fit you." Barbara looked at the pajamas and said, "Thank you."

"You, uh, need help changing...?" Robin hesitantly asked. "I can handle this myself, thank you;" protested Barbara. "You sure you don't want me to help you with, uh..." Robin bashfully said as he pointed at her feet. Barbara rolled her eyes, and sighed, "Go ahead." Robin then untied her sneakers and took off her sneakers, then he took off her socks. "Okay, now please give me some privacy," ordered Barbara. "Yes ma'am," said Robin as he got out to let Barbara change. He went to the kitchen, made a cup of coffee, and mixed it with cream and sugar. He took the cup, and knocked at the guest room. "You ready?" Robin asked. "Yeah." Barbara said in the room. Robin then went in, and saw her wearing the pajamas. "Mind if I tuck you in?" Robin asked. "Nobody's tucked me into bed in years," said Barbara, "guess I don't mind." She trusted Robin. He gently tucked her into bed with the blankets. "Barbara, can I be honest with you?" Robin asked. "Sure," said Barbara, "you can tell me anything."

"Barbara, I'm honestly scared," admitted Robin as he sat down on the bed, looking at her. She held his hand. "Why are you scared?" Barbara asked, looking at him. "I'm just scared that my plan to rescue all my friends will be in vain," admitted Robin, "what if I fail them?" Barbara put her hand on Robin's cheek, gently stroking it. "Oh Robin," she said, "it's okay to be scared. It's in our moments of failure we succeed. That's what Bruce taught me. And don't worry, you have friends who are willing to help you. You've got Dr. Woof, you've got Clark, you've got Kara, and you've got me. We will help you succeed, I promise." Robin smiled and said, "I don't deserve you Barbara Gordon." 

"I never did thank you for saving my life, did I?" Barbara asked. "That's all cool," said Robin as he playfully kissed her hand. Barbara laughed. "Good night Babs," said Robin as he took his cup of coffee, and turned off the light, letting Barbara sleep.

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