Robo Bugs

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As Bugs, Lola, and Daffy were inside the spaceship, Bugs looked at his phone, and saw a text from Robin that said, "Trick them into needing to use the bathroom at 7-11." Bugs smirked. "I think I got a plan," said Bugs. "And what's that, oh fearless leader?" Daffy sarcastically asked. "You'll see," said Bugs, "Oh Blanko!" The blue Monstar known as Blanko walked in and said, "What's up little rabbit dude?"

"Can you convince your boss to pull over at a 7-11?" Bugs asked, "I need to use the little rabbit's room." Blanko nodded, and went to the cockpit where Swackhammer was, and said, "Hey boss man, I don't mean to sound like a bother or anything, but the rabbit needs to use the bathroom at 7-11." Swackhammer, annoyed, said, "Oh for crying out loud; Pound, pull over!" The spaceship pulled over at a 7-11 in Los Angeles, and opened up. Swackhammer walked out with Bugs, and pointed at the rabbit, saying, "Alright, you better make this quick, capiche?"

"Oh for sure Doc," said Bugs as he got into the 7-11. He looked around the store saying, "Robin?" Much to his relief, Robin was at the Slurpee section, and said, "Hey Bugs." The rabbit walked to Robin and asked, "Alright Robin, I'm here. What's next?" Without another word, Robin pulled out an oxygen helmet that almost looked like Star Lord's helmet, an android that looked exactly like Bugs, and what looked like a Nintendo DS Lite.

 What's next?" Without another word, Robin pulled out an oxygen helmet that almost looked like Star Lord's helmet, an android that looked exactly like Bugs, and what looked like a Nintendo DS Lite

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"Whoa, a robot version of me?" Bugs asked, "and is that a Nintendo DS Lite?" Robin nodded and said, "It's a remote control that controls the robot, especially in space. Oracle helped me make it.  Use the oxygen mask when Superman flies you to Moron Mountain." He pulled out a mic ear piece so the robot could speak. Robin tested out the bot.

"So this is a get captured on purpose and rescue plan?" Bugs asked, and Robin nodded, "I gotta say, that's pretty creative. Can you handle imitating me?" The Robo Bugs said, "Eh, what's up doc?" Robin did a dead on impression of Bugs. "Alright, good luck doc," said Bugs. "Good luck to you too Bugs," said Robin, "call Oracle, tell her it's time. She and Superman will help you." Robin then made Robo Bugs walk out of 7-11, and Swackhammer faced the android, saying, "I hope you enjoyed your bathroom break, rabbit. Cuz it'll be your last on Earth." He and the bot went into the spaceship, flying away from Earth, to Moron Mountain. Bugs called Oracle. "Hello?" Oracle asked on the phone. "Oracle, it's Bugs," he said. "Is it time?" Oracle asked on the phone. Bugs looked at Robin and said, "Yeah, it's time."

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