Those Endearing Young Charms

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As Bugs and Superman looked around Moron Mountain, they wondered where Daffy, Lola, and the Robot Bugs were. "Wait, I hear something," said Superman with his Super Hearing, "follow me!" He and Bugs ran to where Superman heard the noise, and were inside a stage room. A voice said, "Ladies and gentleman, children of all ages, Moron Mountain is proud to present to you, Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck!" Bugs and Superman found an empty table and sat on the chairs. A stage with a curtain was in front of the stage. The curtains opened up, and as Merrily We Roll Along was playing, Daffy and Robo Bugs walked onto the stage. The audience cheered, going wild. 

"Bugs Bunny to Oracle." Bugs said on his earpiece, "Clark and I have found Daffy and Robo Bugs. But we've yet to find Lola." Oracle replied, "Okay, keep updating us on when you've found her."

"Thank you, thank you, you're all too kind," said the Robo Bugs. "You're despicable," said Daffy in disapproval. "What's up, duck?" Robo Bugs joked. "What's up?" Daffy asked in jealousy, "Even in space you steal my thunder! And we all know I'm a true space hero! I was Duck Dodgers!"

"Ya done?" Robo Bugs asked, "because I'm going to play Those Endearing Young Charms. Now where's that xylophone?" The robot walked off the stage, and Daffy gave an evil grin, saying, "Little does he know that when he plays the last note, instead of playing a xylophone, he'll be playing a harp!" He then laughed, leaving the stage. Nawt then came in with a xylophone, with an obvious bomb at the bottom, some of the audience snickering. "Watch this," said Bugs, "this gag never gets old." Robo Bugs then came out and said, "And now I shall play, Those Endearing Young Charms." He then played the song, but played the last note wrong. Superman smiled and the audience chuckled. "That's not how you do it ya dumb bunny!" Daffy scolded, "Play it again!" So Robo Bugs played the song again, but played the last note wrong again. "No! Like this!" Daffy corrected as he shoved the robot away, and played the song the right way, only for the xylophone to blow up on him. The audience roared with laughter. 

"Okay, everyone's distracted," said Superman, "now's my chance to swoop in." He went to the stage, ready to rescue Daffy, then suddenly, a voice from behind him said, "What do you think you're doin', Wussy Man?" Superman turned around and saw it was Pound. "Wussy Man?" Superman asked surprised. Pound then punched him off the stage, knocking him down. Bugs ran in and said, "Supes, are you okay?"

"I think I let my guard down," said Superman as he and Bugs went back to their tables. "Superman to Oracle," he said, "we got a problem." Oracle responded, "What's the problem?"

"The stage is guarded by Monstars," confirmed Superman. "Perhaps you should wait to infiltrate the stage after the show," suggested Oracle, "I'll hack into the security cameras and let you know where the Tunes are. Any sign of Lola?"

And right as Oracle asked of Lola's whereabouts, Lola asked, "Bugs?" The grey rabbit turned around, and saw her. "Lola!" he said excitedly as he hugged her. Lola was forced to serve the patrons inside. "I knew you'd come," she said as she hugged him back. Bugs said, "Superman and I are going to save you, I promise."

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