5. Sleepless

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It was over a kaone since I had 'unlocked' Muina and we were now back, passing through the Deep-space Gate and into orbit around the planet.  Nathan opened my sleeping pod lid and helped me sit up. 

"We are here, Peanut. Time to grab some food and get suited up," he said.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched to throw off the last tendrils of a dream.  I was starting to suspect that something more had happened to me when I had keyed Kota to the platform that first time.  It could be just coincidence, but since then my dreams and nightmares had become especially vivid.  At least, I had not woken today with a scream at the back of my throat.  Just two kai ago, I had to work very hard to convince North that I was fine when I practically attacked him.  He had woken me in the middle of the sleep shift, claiming I wasn't breathing. I had been dreaming of drowning.  I didn't want to burden the boys any more, but I knew that if it got worse they would start to ask questions.   Of course, there were also the extremely pleasant dreams and Victor hadn't minded at all being woken by my kisses.  

When we landed at the lake side there was no sign of the dhura.  There had been a huge debate over what to do if it had started attacking people before we could reach the communication platform and 'key' their access by having me declare them as Muinian.

One of the first objectives was to determine if anyone else could key the newcomers.  There were a lot of people on this expedition who needed access, which is why only our tanz landed and the second remained in orbit.  I would key in as many as possible at a time in this first round. We made the logical leap that interaction with the platform would draw the attention of the dhura. Therefore, once the dhura was considered under control, the others would join us for gaining access.

This first group included First and Fourth Squads, Tsaile Yates and the blue-suited peacekeepers under her command, the Historical Society delegates and archeologists, and the medical staff. The second group was even more diverse. The various urban design and planning technicians and their vats of white stone goop to 'grow' the new buildings were with the green-suits and two more Setari Squads. An additional fifty people with a variety of skills and talents, that I couldn't possibly all name, were also in the second group.  Overall, it was a very large party to 'key' access for Muina.


"Let's celebrate no one dying today," Luke proposed as he collapsed onto the cot next to mine.  I had been resting with Gabriel in the tent designated for Fourth Squad.

I keyed First Squad and about twenty or so others in the first session. As we predicted the dhura came charging up, but Kota kept it relatively appeased until we could finish granting everyone access.  The dhura listened well to any keyed Muinian, but obeyed Kota best.  After the first wave the other Setari tried keying people. Through process of elimination, we discovered that Ena Manipulation talents can also grant access and I can breathe a huge sigh of relief.  Gabriel and Tsee Blackbourne from Fourth have Ena Manipulation and Liam from First Squad.  And there are plenty of other Ena Manipulation talents among the ranks of Setari.   

By the time we had all of the passengers and crew of the second tanz keyed as well, all four of us were feeling the energy strain. We were allowed to take it easy for the rest of the kai. Everyone else was sent to help set up the temporary shelter and supply tents.  The blue-suit peacekeepers were handling both security and these efforts.  Tarens, it seemed, could camp in serious style, despite their generally limited exposure to the Great Outdoors.  These shelters were infinitely more comfortable than Camp Sang had been. Any of the Setari with telekinesis talent spent quite a bit of the time just moving the massive amount of materials and supplies into place.

"Sounds good to me," replied Gabriel with a yawn. 

"And how will you do that?" grumbled a tired North. 

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