45. Moving Forward

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Sean chuckled as he ducked away from the pillow Owen launched at his head. "Fine! Be that way. I brought food since you've slept through First and Second Shift meals. I will be waiting in the kitchen."

"Thank you," Owen replied for both of us.

In a more serious tone Sean added, "Pookie, I wish I could say take your time, but we are still cut off from Kalasa without you.  Tsaile Bremmet has been especially anxious to get transports through the Platform started again. Even Tsur Buble can only allow a reasonable delay."

He left and Owen urged me to get showered and dressed accordingly. As we sat eating, I asked about the others.

"Oh, they are all away from the Residences on small assignments around Camelot," Sean answered.

I ventured hesitantly, "Are they....upset with me?"

Owen and Sean immediately issued denials.

"No, Sang. Absolutely not," Owen said firmly.

"I think we are all a little surprised by the uh...abruptness..of your decision.  However, no one is mad.  Maybe a little jealous of Owen here, but not mad....never at you, Sang. Kota was worried about you and expressed some concern at somehow pushing you into this decision. You should probably talk to him as soon as possible," Sean admitted.

My heart clenched at the thought of how I'd left things with Kota. I turned to Owen as I felt him place his hand over mine.

His grey eyes were troubled as he said, "I hate to bring this up, but I did have to submit a report proving that our actions were consensual for both parties. However, I only included the most relevant parts of our discussion and only Sean and Tsur Buble received the report.  Everything else recorded is now redacted and only accessible by you and me."

I hadn't spared even a moment of thought about my monitoring, but while I flushed at the embarrassment, I was deeply grateful that Owen had already taken action to protect my privacy much as possible.

Sean teased, "But hey! If you're feeling generous you can certainly share with me, Pookie. I like to live vicariously."

At which he received a chop on the shoulder from Owen.  I laughed and shook my head, glad for the mood to be lightened. I mean...I was pretty sure Sean was just joking. After thinking quietly for a moment I nodded and said, "I want to talk to all of them and maybe I can use that report to help explain myself, if that's alright with you, Owen."

"Of course, " he replied, "but please  know that none of us expect or are entitled to be privy to details of your relationships with the others. We will respect your privacy."

I took a beat to collect my thoughts and articulate them correctly, "I know. This was just...a big step...and I feel that it is appropriate to communicate about any major shifts in our relationships, especially those that would affect our family collectively."

Owen nodded, saying, "Agreed. Our deepened connection would qualify as a significant shift for the family."

Sean, whose smile was particularly bright, pushed my plate at me and reminded me, "We can still chat but you need to eat up, Pookie. Lots of calories burned during recent exercise after all." Before Owen could get another shoulder chop in, he redirected, "In other news, your suspicions were correct, Owen. We received a transmission from Tare. It included updates on the interrogation of McCoy and KOTIS's investigation at the wreckage of the Dohl Array following the Aquatic Massive attack.  You can read their findings here," Sean said and sent both of us a link to the KOTIS report.



From: Isten Rivestal

Re: Briefing on Internal Investigation R7625

Tsur Buble:

Evidence found linking Subject Hendricks to wreckage uncovered at Dohl Array ruins. Includes technology related to genetic tampering. Confirms statements submitted by Subject McCoy during investigative interviews. Minimal coercive measurements taken to elicit confession. 

Subnote- Investigative team questioned psychological status of Subject McCoy. He keeps destroying the pillows issued to him by Detainment Facility Personnel and urinating in bedding. Subject McCoy continues blaming destructive actions on an Ionoth cat. Multiple scans conducted reveal no evidence of alleged Ionoth. Evaluator concluded that this is either diversionary tactic or evidence of prior hallucinative drug abuse.


"Ghost!" I exclaimed and broke into giggles as I closed down the report.

Sean joined me and tsked, "She's been very naughty."

Owen shook his head and added, "I am amazed that Ionoth continues to elude even our best scanning technology. At least, she appears to be an anomaly, and there have been no more stickie investations since she started roaming around KOTIS."

Soon we finished eating and were headed to the Platform where a large number of anxious KOTIS staff awaited.  I would just have to talk to each of the boys as I saw them throughout the kai. Owen assured me that at least for today they would remain assigned to Camelot, so I sent out Interface messages letting them know the transport schedule that had been planned and requests for them to visit me during my Camelot-side breaks.

For the first few kasse I would be making continuous roundtrips to and from Kalasa. I was starting to think I needed a slogan like: Air Sang welcomes you and wishes you a pleasant journey. I amused myself by imaging how Gabriel could design an airline attendant uniform for me. I suppressed my humor when I saw Tsaile Bremmet's scowl of impatience.  She was an older female officer with graying hair pulled back.  My hearted pounded, for in that irrational moment, she suddenly reminded me of my step-mother.     

I tensed, expecting her to yell, but I should have known that someone at her rank would proceed with utter professionalism and simply say, "Tsen Sorenson, we are ready for you to activate the Platform for transport."

Breathe. Tsaile Bremmet is not Her. Breathe. Tsaile Bremmet is not going to accuse you of being a dirty whore and letting men touch your body. Breathe. Tsaile Bremmet is just worried about her colleagues in Kalasa. Breathe. My step-mother is dead. Breathe. I am on Muina.

I unclenched my fist and looked to Sean who stood at my right. His face was etched in worry. 

He sent the Interface message: "What's wrong? You're pale and look stressed. Do we need to go to Med Bay?"

"I'm okay," I whispered. At his sceptical response, I sent: "Nothing to worry about right now...nothing related to last night. I will tell you later. I just needed a joden."

He sent another message: "Alright.😕...Just let me know right away if you need anything. I had already slated myself as your escort for this shift so I could take care of you...food, 💐, pain meds...answers to awkward sex questions...😂...whatever you need."

I sent back: "ha..thank you...I love you, Sean...💟."

I turned to Tsaile Bremmet and said, "My apologies. I am ready to begin. Please have your technicians assemble upon the Platform."

Internally, I wondered at my reaction to Tsaile Bremmet. Why had I thought of my step-mother at all. I suppose she did somewhat look like her in hair coloring, height and build. I would talk to Sean. I thought I had left my past on Earth, but maybe there was something I still needed to deal with. I refused to let her memory cast a shadow on the beautifully pure thing that Owen and I had shared...or on any of my relationships with the boys. I love them and they love me. I needed to trust in that and to trust in them. We are a family. I won't let anyone or anything take that away.

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