39. S4-Report

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I wasn't sure why Tsur Buble wanted us to all meet in-person rather than holo-attend the meeting over the Interface, but what the KOTIS Council says is what we do. The last thing I wanted was my time with Pookie to be cut short, and I was so proud of her efforts today in MedBay. It felt so right having her there working beside me.

"Sean," Sang said, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course," I answered, "medical or personal?"

"Uhm," she paused, placing her finger on her lip. Ends to Muina that drove me crazy in a good way. She replied, "Both, I think."


"Okay, Pookie. Well, what is it?" I prompt.

"Well, I...uhm...How do I know if I am ready for sex?"

Sean's brain: Alert! Alert!...blood flow rerouted to lower appendages.

Little Sean: All systems go...reporting for duty!

Sean's brain: Abort! Abort! She's just asking a question....Focus! She said medical...so think Purple Stripes...that's right, Ista Green, you can do this.


Oh, that's right. She's waiting for an answer.

"Well, physiologically your body has reached maturity and is capable of engaging in *cough* coitus," I reply as calmly as possible.

Sean's brain: Good job...keep channeling Purple Stripes.

Little Sean: coitus! You said coitus!

I glance over to see her reaction. Uh oh, she is frowning.

"I know that. It's just....Silas said something the other night and I started reading some of the medical texts over the MedBay Interface library...but...I've been feeling so...argh...I just...." She cuts off abruptly and stops walking, then looks up with big green eyes, pleading for me to understand.

Ends to Muina. I think she's talking about arousal.

I stop with her and manage to say, "Hold on. I'm going to let Owen know we'll be late."

Interface Channel: private
Users:Sean Green, Owen Blackbourne

S: Sang and I have been delayed and need privacy, so no peaking in on Sang's monitoring feed.

O: Is she alright?

S: Yes! Just give us like a half kasse...maybe less...and order North to butt out as well.

O: Okay. Join us in a half kasse.

End Transmission.

I point out a doorway and say, "Hey, let's take a seat in that conferencing room. Then I can maybe answer your questions, okay?"

Sang sighs, maybe in relief, I am not sure, but she does as I suggest and enters the room and sits.

Little Sean: Sit next to her! Closer proximity!

Sean's brain: Absolutely not! We need to listen...and a respectful distance will help. Remember, Purple Stripes.

Little Sean: purple-striped panties

Sean's brain: Gah! No....quick, instructions to nanosuits thermo-regulation for body temperature reduction by 5 degrees.

"Um, why don't you first tell me what Silas said," I suggest as I sit across from her.

"He said that we needed to stop before going further than I was ready for," she started to explain. "But it was feeling so good...the touching and...oh, sorry...you probably don't want to hear all the details..."

Little Sean: Yes, we do!

Sean's brain: Shut up!

"...I mean, Owen seemed uncomfortable when...but anyways...so..." She drifted off again.

Little Sean : No! Please tell us! Details are good!

Sean's Brain: Redirect...Talk about the emotional stuff.

I respond, "Well, I think Silas was probably talking about being psychologically and emotionally ready for further physical intimacy."

"I guess," she admits forlornly, looking down.

"However," I say, regaining her attention, "You alone...and not the boys...get to decide when YOU are ready for each new step in developing your relationships. Everyone has to decide for themselves and then it has to be a mutual decision to move forward."

Sean's brain: Excellent, Ista Green...You are doing splendidly!

"Well I was definitely ready to do more...but...oh, my....maybe Silas wasn't ready....Was I pushing him too far?" Sang looked up at me, worried.

Little Sean: Ha! Ha! Silas not ready....Ha!

I reply, "I..uhm, doubt...I mean...you should definitely talk to him privately about that." Ha! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he hears about this. I subdue my amusement and add, "In fact, part of knowing you are emotionally and psychologically ready for sexual intimacy is being able to talk to your partner, or partners about it."

"Oh...yes, that makes sense," Sang replies, thoughtfully. She smiles and adds, "I will do that."

Little Sean: Pick us! Pick us! We volunteer.

Sean's brain: She's not asking for tribute.

Little Sean: Oh please. Like you don't want to.

"Ahem," I clear my throat and bravely venture, "Do you have any other questions?"

She furrows her brow for a moment before saying, "There was this one topic in the textbook...Orgasm? And a subsection called Oral sex...but there weren't any diagrams and I couldn't imagine how....Sean? Are you okay?"

Little Sean: Live demonstration! Here we go, Baby!

Sean's Brain: I....Can't...Even....System Overload.

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