27. Found

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A/n: publishing this update early for langscript....thanks for the authorbirthdayanniversary wishes 😄

Interface Channel: Private
Users: Victor, Sean

V: Have you ever seen him like this?

S: Nope

V: Has he left her side yet?

S: Nope

V: Will this change his mind?

S: I don't know...it might...or he could start distancing himself further...you were there and saw him when they disappeared.

V: Yeah...Until the aerial scan revealed that heart-shaped signal fire and the emergency signals confirmed their location....Ends to Muina, it was the worst two kai of my life.

S: Probably for all of us. North is going before the Council for hijacking that tanz and taking off by himself to search.  Luke didn't even touch the pie I offered him. Kota was still counting his way backwards through primes last time I checked. But we found them and they are recovering.

V: Any changes?

S: The dehydration was the worst of it for Sang. Gabriel's side looked like nothing less than torture. However, she saved his life and the skin regeneration nanocytes are working.  We will keep him sedated for awhile longer, but she should wake any time.

V: I am so glad they are safe.  But what they discovered...it's unbelievable.

S: KOTIS can't keep that a secret...she'll become even more important now.

V: They can't take her away from us!

S: They won't...but there will be greater demands on her time..and as her guards and companions, it will mean public exposure for us.

V: Companions? Is that what we are?

S: uh...I guess we could ask First and Second Squads what term they use...ha! Maybe consorts?!?

V: I suppose... But yikes, can you imagine the Setari Watch Sites: Consorts of the Avoenix, Rate Them One to Nine for Compatibility.😰

S: Oh no, Vic...it will be Rate Them One to Nine for Sexiness.  Lol...I'm totally Number One 😉

V: Yeah, Yeah...you and your purple stripes can take that title

S: Now don't be jealous Victor Morgan, Songstar AND Setari... You'll at least make top 3...North aka Nils will probably take Second...his fan base is fiercely loyal...ha ha ha

I was trapped in an endless cycle of nightmares. Swimming frantically through glowing tunnels, running through smoke in the dark, my hands on fire and Gabriel's voice screaming for me to stop, then more running, constantly trying to elude Voltzach snatching at me. Then suddenly almost colliding with Tsee Blackbourne. He says, "Miss Sorenson," and lifts a hand to cup my cheek,"You're with us. You can stop running."

I blink awake and there he is, looking worn and tired, but like perfection to me.  I whisper a questioning, "Gabriel?"

"He's fine. He's with us, too," Tsee Blackbourne answers, quirking that millimeter smile. 

"Thanks," I manage before passing out again into a restful and dreamless sleep.

The next time I wake, Luke is curled into my side and Silas is sprawled out on too-small chaise. He looked uncomfortable and I wondered why he didn't sleep in the bed too. There was certainly enough room. I knew this wasn't MedBay.  It looked like an apartment room back on Tare.  Had I been transported back? But I didn't recognize this as any of the boys' rooms. To start with, bed was way too big...like huge enough to fit four Silases. Why would anyone need a bed this large?

The door slid open and Kota's form was backlit. He motioned me to come with a 'shhhh'.  I rolled away from Luke, and tip-toed past Silas. I emerged from the room to be pulled into a tight embrace, surrounded by sweet spice. 

He released me only to say, "Ten, you have no idea how good it is to have you back," his voice wavering at the end. He crushed his lips to mine, so different from his normal warm and gentle kisses. This was desperation and longing and relief all combined.

When his kisses slowed and we pulled apart, he swallowed heavily and said, "Sorry, I just..."

"I know," I interrupted, "Me, too."

He kissed me once more softly, then asked if I was thirsty and did I need to sit down and was I cold or warm or...

I let him mother-hen him for a bit before asking he sit with me in this very roomy living area, and tell me where the others were. He settled back into Kota the leader mode then.

"Nathan and Victor are sitting with Gabriel who is mostly recovered, just resting in MedBay. Sean is there too, working.  Tsee Blackbourne is with North in a Council meeting. As you know, Luke and Silas are asleep in your room."

"My room?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes, we are still on Muina. These are the new Setari quarters," he replied.

I looked around, noticing more details now.   This main room with seating, dining and kitchen areas was a rectangle with three doors on each long side. The room I'd come from was the center door on the left.

"You and Tsee Blackbourne got the biggest single rooms," he pointed to the center rooms across from each other. "Those are both equipped with extra shielding. You'll also have your own bathroom, the rest of us will double up." He pointed out the other room assignments. To the right of my room were Luke and Gabriel. To the left, North and Silas. Kota and Nathan were across from them. And Sean and Victor, across from Luke and Gabriel.

"This isn't how the KOTIS residences are laid out on Tare," I said, looking around curiously.

"Ah, well, this is a new floor plan designed to accommodate...uh, certain Squads," Kota replied, in an odd voice. 

"What do you mean?" I glanced back at him.

Kota suddenly found the texture of the seat cushions fascinating.  But he replied, "Oh..um...just those who are currentlyorsoontobeincommittedunions."

His rushed words had me teasingly asking, "The married Setari?"

I giggled at his bewildered look. He wasn't familiar with the Earth term and unions were different on Tare, but his blush was just so cute.  I cut him a break by smiling and amending, "I understand. Like First and Second Squads.  The Family Squads."

He gave me a relieved smile in return. Then launched into telling me more about the apartment.

"We don't have any common space decor, because Gabriel couldn't decide on one cohesive theme before the trip to Arenhon, but the bedrooms were finished. He was looking forward to you seeing your room for the first time. He agonized over which shades of pink to order your bedding in.  He drove Luke half crazy over every meticulous detail."

My heart swelled and I felt horrible all at once, not only because of what Gabriel had gone through getting lost with me, but the awful way I'd treated him from the end of our Rada Junction assignment through our trip to Muina.  Poor Meanie! I vowed to make it up to him somehow. Obviously, I hadn't noted much in the dark, but I was going to give every detail the proper attention once I got the opportunity.  He deserved no less than my greatest appreciation.

Kota reached out and wiped a tear off my cheek. "Hey, he's going to be fine. We can go see him if you want. How about we grab some food at the dining hall on our way. Nathan and Victor are probably hungry and they are anxious to see you awake too."

My brilliant, insightful Kota. I grabbed his hand and nodded, overwhelmed.

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