43. Reckless

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"This fucking quehve tastes off," Gabriel complained.

Luke took the cup and tried a sip. He abruptly spit it out and wrinkled his nose in disgust, "Eww. You're right. Was Marc experimenting with new Muinian beans again?"

Victor quirked a wry smile and replied, "No, and it tastes off because that isn't quehve. Kota brought back water samples from Kalasa's ancient sewer systems."

Gabriel and Luke's horrified expressions were priceless. They quickly ran for the bushes and started retching.

Victor turned to me and sighed, "I better send an alert to Sean. He might want to check them over in case that was contaminated somehow."

I wearily chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, poor Gabriel and Luke."

"I am sure they'll be fine," Victor replied. "Before leaving Kota said that container was the clean 'control' sample for testing."

I shook my head and asked, "Why would Kota leave that here near the nourishment supplies?"

Victor shrugged and said, "I don't think he meant to. He seemed distracted. We are all pretty tired though. Princess, you should probably head up to the Residences now that we are all back here in Camelot. You look like you are about to drop any den."

I agreed. It had been a long, tiring day, so I kissed Victor on the cheek and started making my way toward the direction of the KOTIS housing building.

After giving Luke a silent dressing down for failing to inform him of the Reconaissance Team's plan of action, Tsee Blackbourne had issued orders to secure the Cental Plaza and nearby buildings. I and Avery were tasked with returning to Camelot and start transporting over blue-suited Peacekeepers. Thus began a cycle of on platform, off platform, and on and off, over and over again as I transported the many people who wanted access to and from Kalasa, as well as all the equipment needed.  

The Setari squads had confirmed that there was no dhura, but also no other Ionoth in the city.  Inspecting the Platform building which those three Voltzach disappeared into, they discovered another stone sphere like that at Arehnon.  It seemed the Volzatch could transport through the stone sphere. Guards were set on that Platform building and a temporary camp was set up for those staying in Kalasa. The green-suits were not sure if the sphere was powering the shield over the city or not and they were hesitant to disable it since it was protecting Kalasa from the elements.  The historical society officials wanted to ensure that nothing was lost before preservation. Needless to say, after my last interaction with the Arehnon Sphere, I had been ordered to keep as far away from this new one as possible.

I was really hoping that after further exploration, an alternate way could be found into the city. Otherwise, I had a long career of Taxi ahead of me.
I was sagging when Avery had finally declared to an impatient green-suit that we were taking a break. This job wasn't physically tasking but we had been at it for several kasse.  I was glad when a message from Tsur Buble came, instructing me to make one final round trip to retrieve those returning to Camelot for the evening.

Now, walking to the Residence, I reflected on how all the boys had sweetly taken time throughout the kai to check on me.  Well, except for Kota.

When Nathan had stopped by I mentioned to him, "I hope Kota is alright. He looked so upset earlier and I haven't seen him since."

"Don't worry, Peanut. He was as adamant about getting to you as North was," Nathan replied. "Usually, he stands as the voice of reason when North is fired up about something. However, today Kota was...I am not sure how to describe it...completely unlike himself. He was really scared for you, Sang."

I reached the elevators which would take me up to our level of the Setari residence,  and exhaustion had me slumping against the wall for support.
I sighed and glanced up from the floor to see Kota striding towards me with an intent expression. I became wary at the scowl he wore when he approached me.

"That was utterly reckless!" He accused.

I reared back in shock at the vehemence in his voice. "What...what do you mean?" I asked in small voice.

"Confronting over fifty of the most dangerous Ionoth known with only seven Setari. That was the height of recklessness!" Kota nearly shouted.

"I...I wasn't alone. Silas and Gabriel and Luke as well as the others were there to keep me safe."

"I will have words with them, believe me," he said sharply. "Sang, I thought you were smarter than to agree to something so risky."

Collecting myself, I defensively replied, "Actually, they agreed with me. And yes, it was risky, but our plan worked."

"Probably from sheer dumb luck. You are never to put yourself in such reckless danger like that again."

I can only attribute my next words and actions to the anger and hurt that bubbled up inside of me at that moment. Okay, and perhaps also some of the frustrations I had been suppressing for awhile. But anyway, I flung out a flash of my sensing ability, just enough to know that the rest of Fourth Squad was about to turn the corner and come down the hallway. I was simply too tired to isolate individual essences and I only needed one of them to do what I hastily planned for next.

"I am not going to let you dictate to me what I can and cannot do! And reckless? Dakota Jameson Lee, I am about to show you reckless," I declared and pointed down the hall. "I am going to grab the next guy who comes around that corner....and I am going with him to our Residence...and we are having sex."

Kota's jaw dropped and he sputtered, "Wait, what? Sang..."

The soft scuff of a nanosuit-booted foot caused us both to jerk our attention to the end of the hallway. My heart pounded and a ringing began in my ears. Maybe, I should have tried to focus that Sensing moments earlier, because who would turn the corner first, but Tsee Owen Blackbourne.

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