42. Snap, Crackle, and BOOM!

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Messages rapidly came across the Mission Channel:
Ceiling Quadrant 1 Clear
Floor Quadrant 3 Flooded but Clear
Exit Physical Blockage but Clear

I breathed a sigh of relief that there were no Voltzach in the Platform room.  In my worst imaginings we transported in to find ourselves surrounded by the evil humanoid Ionoth or entangled by some trap.

Tsee Blackbourne ordered: "At ease, but no auditory communication, stay on the Mission Channel. Only Sight talents enhance for now. I want at least two Combat Sight talents augmented at all times."

Heads nodded around the room and while the Setari visibly relaxed, they maintained an alert readiness.

Karen sent out: "Vacate Platform. Korba plug that leak if you can. Seventh Squad hydrokinesis talents drain this water out. We need the room for the other Squads. Taylor, Griffen and Lee start evaluating the debris blocking the door."

One of the two main plans involved everyone assembling in the Platform room and using telekinesis to clear the blocked doorway, allowing the Setari to rush out and neutralize any threat. The other more conservative but time consuming plan, called for a portion of the team to go through the cistern system to the Bath house then infiltrate and conduct stealth reconnaissance of the city before a full assault was launched.

After those with Sight abilities enhanced, Gabriel and I were ordered to return to Camelot. Thankfully, the Platform did indeed bring us directly back. I really wished we would have known that first time we travelled here that we'd only needed to get off and climb back on.  When we returned with Third and Eighth Squad, the floor was cleared of water and the Advance Team had determined that there was simply too much rubble blocking the doorway for the first plan, especially since they could only vaguely sense what might be waiting outside.  Lake was assigned to lead the Reconaissance Team comprised of selected members of Fourth and Seventh Squad. I was surprised to learn I would actually join them after one more trip to gather the final two Squads from Camelot.

"You already know the fastest route to the Bath house and through the city. The Reconaissance Team will need your enhancement ability most. And, Tsen Sorenson, I have complete faith in you," Tsee Blackbourne explained to me privately, when I questioned his decision to send me.

My heart soared and I nodded, feeling my confidence swell, even with the addendum to his message that Luke and Gabe would immediately get me to safety if the danger was too high.

Once our taxi services were complete, Gabriel and I joined Silas, Luke, and Victor, along with Seventh Squad members Lake, Avery, and Fancy. Kevin and Mindy from Third Squad were designated to accompany us since they had the ability to bend light and essentially make themselves invisible. Soon we had breathers in and were lowering ourselves down into the underground waterways.

"When we start settling Kalasa I am so claiming this place," Fancy declared after we surfaced and dried ourselves off in the Bath house.

"Yeah, we thought you would like it the first time we came through," I smiled up at her from where I sat at edge of the pool, wringing my hair.

She glanced at me and tsked, "Girl, you know better than that." With a snap of her fingers, my hair was dried.

"Thanks. I love that hydrokinesis trick," I said.

Gabriel grumbled about having claim over my hair, so I sent him: "You do it best, Meanie."

He flashed me a satisfied smirk and a sudden choking laugh from Luke had me looking back over at my other boys. Victor was shaking his head and Silas had a determined gleam in his heated gaze.  I didn't have time to analyze all that because Lake ordered us to get moving. It was going to take awhile for us to get to the central transportation hub of the city, so we set off at a steady jog.

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