38. Footsies

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A/n: This might be a bit macabre for some readers...you've been warned.😁

Sean linked his arm with mine as we headed down the hall. Tsur Buble had ordered a few kai off of Sights training for me and Sean was quick to request me presence for this shift.

"You'll be glad you're joining me in MedBay today, Pookie," he said.

"Oh? Any interesting surgeries going on?" I asked.

"Got a pedal augmentation for you to assist on," he replied enthusiastically.

"Oh, wow....who lost their foot?" I wonder aloud.

Sean replied, "Coalter. Second Squad was swarmed while completing Castle Rotation. An unexpected Roamer Type had invaded the Space. Supposedly resembling a multilegged serpentine with fat white bodies that exploded with green pus when struck properly."

"Eww," I wrinkled my nose.

"Exactly," Sean continued, cheerfully describing the gore. "And Blake made the mistake of trying to kick one in the head. It bit his foot right off at the ankle."

"Oh, no," I comment, trying to keep my voice light and my breakfast down.

"Luckily, once Raven beheaded the foul Ionoth, they were able to retrieve the foot from its stomach, so we didn't have to regrow a genetic match. That would've taken a kai or two. Alright, well... Let's scrub in and get started," Sean concluded as we entered MedBay.

Soon, cradled in my gloved hands was Blake's severed right foot. At the top a preservation seal had been placed to keep it 'alive'. These seals were carried in each of the Setari Squad captain's Combat Packs, since loss of limb was definitely a frequent occurrence while battling in the Ena. A seal would be placed on the stump of whatever limb was severed and any salvaged body parts. Though, most often too much damage meant the amputee would have to wait for a hand or leg to be regrown by nanocytes. The seals were quite amazing, reducing the need for turniquets. Nanocyte technology inside the seals would reroute blood flow, preserve nerve endings and temporarily attach to muscle and tendons to keep them taut and in alignment for an augmentation surgey like the procedure today.

Blake was sitting up and watching as I carried his foot into the room. Corey stood at his side.

"You sure you got the right one, Sang? Blake wouldn't want two left feet," Corey quipped with a grin.

"Silas will want to hear that one," Sean laughed. "Don't worry. Blake, you'll be up and dancing with Kayli soon enough. Now, stop making my assistant giggle, Corey. She needs to align these correctly."

I took a deep breath to steady myself then carefully joined the opposing preservation seals. Sean set the mechanism contain other restorative nanocytes around the two seals while I held them still. He worked quickly then signalled for me to activate the dissolution of the seals, completing our portion of the pedal augmentation. Blake would be confined to MedBay with his leg elevated as the nanocytes worked.

"Ista Green, how many reattachments have you done, now?" Blake asked as I pulled up a window in the public space displaying live feedback from the nanocytes knitting tissues together.

"I've lost count. Remember when North was first training with those swords of his?" Sean replied.

"Yes. How many times did he cut off his ear...like five?" Blake returned.

"Six, actually. That second time we had to grow a new one it was so mangled. Ista Phillips said if he lost another ear that he would suspend North's training until he learned how to augment his own severed parts. North didn't accidentally lose any more ears, but he did start training in MedBay with me on the procedure. Which turned out to be a real help following that Massive Battle about ten years ago. The medics needed all the help they could get back then."

The Setari around me all quieted at that sobering thought. To change the mood I interjected, "Is that why his hearing is so good? Did his replacement ears come with nanotech enhanced hearing capabilities?"

"Yes, he requested that modification after the fourth, I believe," Sean answered, seeming glad for a new direction for the conversation.

"Hmm, useful," Corey said, nodding thoughtfully. "North has Combat Sight, but the enhanced hearing would allow him to focus more energy into his other talents."

"Better not mention it around Raven," Blake smirked. "You'll get him talking about all of his own 'enhancements'."

Corey blushed and Sean burst out in laughter.

"Please, don't encourage him," came Axel's smoky voice from behind me. I turned to see him enter the room. He nodded to Sean and Corey then deadpan asked, "Well, Coalter, are you going to put your best foot forward on mission now?"

The others groaned, but I couldn't help giggling, especially when Blake fired back, "Careful, Toma, wouldn't want to put your foot in your mouth and set off Kayli."

The two men who had been at odds with each other for some time simultaneously broke into grins and gave each other those man-hug back slaps.

Axel drew back and addressed Sean, "How long will his recovery take?"

"We will do a Neuro-test in about a kasse to see how well the nerves are repairing. Then we'll have a time frame to report," Sean answered.

"I've already contacted the Wellness Center to arrange your physical therapy," I added.

"Thank you, Tsen Sorenson," Blake replied formally.

Sean was momentarily distracted by an incoming Interface message, then said, "Looks like we will be leaving you in Ista Phillips hands. Fourth Squad has been called to a meeting."

As he spoke, the same message blinked on in my upper right field of vision. We waited until Ista Phillips arrived and bid the Second Squad boys farewell.

Walking out the door I heard Ista Phillips ask, "What trouble did you step into now Tsen Coalter?"

I shook my head. I could only imagine that Silas would hear of this and run with it.

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