7. We 'Otter' Talk About This

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Silas took my hand and led us to the dining tent. His thumb running circles against my palms sent delicious shivers up my arm. I looked up to admire his handsome face, noting that his hair had grown quite a bit. He caught me staring and smiled with a wink. I blushed and looked away, but he leaned in close.

"I love the way you look at me," he whispered, tickling my ear.

I blushed harder and wondered what his father would think of me. I was left with little time worry about how to act and what to say. The area was abuzz with the entire camp assembling for the meal. I caught snatches of conversations as we passed tables to get to the cafeteria style line.

"We'll clear the Northeastern quadrant next..."

"...not sure...maybe they should just order the Stray to...."

" ..best if we get clearance to interview... "

"Wonder how the debates between Muina Mind-Heart Society and the Pledges of Anterra are going..."

There was much excitement and apprehension about how revelations of Muina would be handled by the general public. There were tons of special interest groups and Muina was an emotional topic. From the last update we had received, KOTIS was controlling the outflow of information fairly well but there was clearly a hunger for more and a heap of speculation going around through the various media.

I also noticed plenty of glances my way and cringed at the attention. The guys must have noticed and closed ranks around me. We collected our food and were ushered to a table near the periphery of the large Mess tent by an older, stouter version of Silas. Even Tsa Korba's thick mustache couldn't disguise the familial resemblance.

Approaching the table we were met with a wide smile and "This is the girl, eh?"

Silas received a hearty thump on the back and I was steered to a chair across from Tsa Korba's and at Silas' right. The others took seats a bit further down.  I suppose they were giving Silas a bit of time and space to do this family introduction.

"Father, this Sang. Sang, this is Charlampos Korba," Silas introduced us.

"Call me Charlie. These Tarens always adding extra Z sound to my name," Tsa Korba insisted. His accent was more pronounced than Silas'.

"It is nice to meet you" I replied. "How do you like Muina?"

"Ah, much better than Tare. All those storms and no meat! " he emphasized by flipping over the algae patty on his tray with a scowl. Then with a hand spread to the forest, he added, "This is more like home," he said.

"Silas told me your family came from South Kolar," I said. "You must miss it."

Tsa Korba's smile wilted some.  He replied, "Yes, we move to Tare for Silas to join the Setari, and others reasons, but that was most important one." Then he brightened and added, "And good thing! Tarens love their cube houses, but now on Muina we will use Kolarian style architecture...much nicer. Here, let me show you."

With a flourish he brought up a three-dimensional topographic map of the village and surrounding area in the public space of the Interface that spread across the table. 

"This is what currently exists," he said, then tapped three points and up popped holograph buildings.  "These are the first three buildings being seeded now.  See how we use the land to guide construction.  The white stone will grow into the hill processing the raw material to utilize viable matter and then collecting and preserving any excess.  For example, any of this metal which is used in tanz construction will be harvested while this plant matter will be consumed by the nanocytes to create flooring."

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