10. Summons

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I dreamed I was following Tsee Blackbourne through a never-ending labyrinth. No matter how I tried, I couldn't catch up. He was always just down a corridor, turning the next corner or up on the next flight of stairs.  Finally, he turned towards me and his face was a mask of annoyance and long-suffering. So I stopped chasing after him and realized...I was hopelessly lost.

The Unara Reporter:

More images of Muina have surfaced from Kolarian media sources that clearly depict Taren Setari.  KOTIS officials were reticent about releasing any more information that violates the anonymity directive for the Setari, however, the KOTIS Public and Media Relations representatives did confirm that a displaced person, Sang Sorenson, from the planet Urth was instrumental in providing a security access needed to open Muina for exploration and hopefully permanent settlement.  Officials also confirmed that this individual has been integrated into the Setari rank structure due to previously unknown psychic talents and is working with multiple squads. The press release did not disclose further information on Tsen Sorenson, however, the representatives wanted to assure interested parties that all steps are being taken to secure the safety of this now very historically important person. The Council for Displaced Persons declined to comment. 



Setari Watchers, shut down your apps because we have an ELECTRIC announcement for you!!! Kolarian media sources have released images provided by delegates to Muina who are working with KOTIS staff and our favorite BLACK-SUITED individuals...as you know Kolar, being less technologically advanced, lacks the Interface identity blockers that have long pestered we Taren Setari Watchers and soooooo...now we at long last have detailed, high-def, wanna-lick-the-sweat-off-them images of Setari!!!!!! And FINALLY we have confirmed, as this publication has long argued, that Victor Morgan, famed onaipist is indeed also a Setari. KOTIS had nothing to say about this revelation...not surprising...bleh!...but Lehanti Jasmine Morgan was interviewed and said that she was "proud of her talented son's many achievements" including his position as a "Setari with electrokinesis".....Well, Victor, you can shock me anytime!

This kaone our Super Fans are Ancestralgirl, gatorabbieanna and bekah_boo89. Don't forget to Vote and Comment to be included in future Super Fan drawings.

Until next time, here's wishing you Setari Watchers a Taren new year "All Wellness!"

"I can't believe its already another Taren New Year," I blinked and shook my head, thoughts swirling after reading through the latest media posts. I mean...really? I am being considered an "historically important person"?

Pausing an RPG, Kota looked over and said, "Well, your recovery from the Pillar incident and then all the planning for the Muina expedition all took quite some time."

"And I can't believe what some of the messages and images these...uh, well not 'ladies'...are posting to Victor and the Setari Fan Sites," Luke huffed.

Victor winced and North chopped Gabriel on the neck.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for?!" Gabriel exclaimed, rubbing the injured spot.

"I couldn't reach Idiot Number 1, so you were the proxy," North explained. "Don't upset Sang with that nonsense," he grumbled to his brother.

Luke started to roll his eyes, but froze and then burst across the room, teleporting directly in front of me.  His eyes were wide and smile super nova level as he lifted me up and twirled around, shouting, "Yes! New Year....and new BIRTHDAY for Sang! CAKE! Presents! YES! YES! YES!"

I laughed since his enthusiasm was so contagious, but tapped his shoulder to let me down. My feet settled back on the floor and I shook my head.

"Actually, I've already explained that Earth years are closer to Muina years.  It won't be another two Taren years until my Earth birthday," I said. North grunted in approval.

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