16. Misfire

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Our trip to Muina was delayed by a kai due to some interference in Deep-space. Tsee Blackbourne decided it was an excellent opportunity for Fourth Squad to again help with Kalrani training.  I, too, needed to continue working on the Taren martial arts forms and sparring, so I was again playing student today. At least the Kalrani we were training with today were closer to my age. 

The training room rang with, "Yes, Tsee Blackbourne!"

I stood in line with the Kalrani, tense, back straight, chin up in a Ready Position. Sweat trickled uncomfortably between my breasts and wisps of my hair that had escaped now stuck to my face.  This lesson was only half over and Tsee Blackbourne had not gone easy on any of us.  My guys were lined up across the way in a similar stance, looking serious and rigid.

"Each of you will now be paired off with a Setari instructor to practice blocking combinations," Tsee Blackbourne announced and then starting assigning pairs. When I was the last trainee Tsee Blackbourne blinked briefly before hesitantly saying, "I suppose you are with me then, Miss Sorenson."

I froze, wide-eyed nervous to spar against any of the boys, but especially Tsee Blackbourne. Then I heard Luke's interruption, "Kota doesn't have a partner, Tsee Blackbourne." Kota was on the far end next to Luke, almost hidden by the others groupings.

"Ah, well then Miss Sorenson," Tsee Blackbourne gestured for me to join the others, looking relieved. 

I was trying to dispel that nervousness when I approached Kota and blurted, "Well, I almost got you off there."

Immediately, Kota choked and Luke chuckled. They exchanged slightly shocked looks that melted into something more heated when they looked back at me.

Their response confused me for a beat, so I mentally reviwed my words....and...Oh Mylanta! Is that what I really said?!?

"I meant...got you off the hook there!" I corrected, blushing madly.

Both of them were attempting to suppress their amusement, fighting the laughter that was bubbling up at my accidental but horribly inappropriate comment. But my ever focused Kota recovered quickly enough and with a quiet order to Luke and the gaping Kalrani, who also heard the exchange, brought us all back to the task at hand. I slid into a defensive stance, trying to regain control of my own distracted thoughts.

"Ready!" Tsee Blackbourne's voice called. "Go!"

Soon my foible was forgotten amidst a flurry of blocks and punches and kicks.

Interface Channel: Group
Users: L💀2🍆, Kot📐, G🎨be, N🔥te,  S🏥n, V🎼ctor, Sil⛵s, N😠rth

L: So... Kota...U 😈

K: Nope...don't even start...you know she didn't mean it.

Na: What's going on?

Se: Are you talking about Pookie?

No: What are you up to now Luke?

G: Oy...are you gonna tell us what the fuck was going on earlier?!?

Si: huh?

K: Nothing to tell...so no.

L: Come on Kota! It's too good not to share.

V: You might as well explain...he isn't going to let you off the hook on this.

L: Oh Muina! LOL...LMFAO.....Vic! Ha Ha Ha!

K: 😒....seriously?....look, Sang said something that embarrassed her and it is best forgotten.

No: Luke! You can't fucking share embarrassing stories about Sang.

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