14. Retail Therapy

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"Ista Green....Tsee Blackbourne...I didn't expect to see you here," I mumbled in surprise. Kota and Nathan had entered the store ahead of me, blocking my view at first. I had completely halted my progress into the store when I glimpsed the two of them talking with the attendant. It was the first time I had seen Tsee Blackbourne out of uniform...and as if he wasn't handsome enough in the Setari black nanosuit, then in casual civilian clothing he was devastating perfection.

Tsee Blackbourne's brow lifted. "Mmm...didn't Tset Coleman tell you why this shopping trip was scheduled?"

"Um...He said that after a kaone of insanity dealing with 30-year-olds (ten in Earth years) that he needed retail therapy," I answered automatically.

Tsee Blackbourne's piercing gaze snapped to Gabriel who shot me a look of false outrage and mouthed "traitor".

"Really, Tset Coleman? If you consider training Kalrani so traumatic, perhaps you need more of such opportunities for....desensitization," Tsee Blackbourne threatened.

"No, no, no," Gabriel wheadled. "The little shits ...I mean kids were awesome to work with. I absolutely loved every minute."

"Well, in that case...I will let Tsur Duncan know you're available next time he needs volunteer trainers," Tsee Blackbourne replied.

Gabriel paled, but then Tsee Blackbourne allowed a millimeter smile which seemed to indicate he might be teasing.

Be still my heart! Tsee Blackbourne joking!?! It utterly boggled the mind.

"Miss Sorenson." Tsee Blackbourne turned to me. "The Lehanties of Unara and Konna are hosting a formal dinner and have requested your presence. KOTIS agreed but only to offset the constant demands by the media and public for interviews with you.

My finger drifted to my lip and my heart thundered in trepidation, first at the thought of such public exposure and then the realization that I would be meeting Victor's mother.

"Don't worry, Pookie," Sean reached out to grab my hand and pull me close. "We will be with you the whole time."

The attendant, who had been waiting patiently, introduced herself, "Greetings, I am Gretta and welcome to Tissu Deux. We are certainly honored to have you all...now, who is Gabriel?"

Gabriel stepped forward. "I am Gabriel. I am here to help. We will focus on Sang first."

"Very good. I received your message. You want evening wear...something with 'subtle elegance' was it?" She looked to Gabriel for confirmation.

"Yes," he replied. "We'll probably need this for multiple events and want flexibility to use accesories to change it up."

"Excellent idea. I think I have just the thing. Just follow me to the dressing area, Sang," Gretta said and turned to a doorway I hadn't noticed earlier.

Gabriel took my arm and hustled me forward. Gretta glanced back and smiled. She didn't seem to think it odd at all that Gabriel was going in with me. I was glad for his company. Gretta seemed nice, but I didn't want to be separated from the boys and have to undress in front of her.

We stopped down the hallway and entered a completely mirrored room.

"Alright, Sang please stand there. Let me just adjust this holo-scanner to get your size." Gretta's eyes turned distant as she accessed the store's virtual space via the Interface. "And then please use this login code to access the Tissu Deux merchandise channel."

When everything in life was digital, the stores, especially exclusive ones like this, held patents on their designs and customers needed access codes to view the hologram images. As soon as we left, the security code would change. I entered the code and the walls shimmered briefly before displaying the samples Gretta called up.

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