9. S4-Report

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The fog was starting clear.  I had been drifting on the numbness from the sedatives, but now pinpricks of sensation were drawing me back to the surface.  At first it was just the hint of voices, but with sudden clarity I could make out Sang and Sean talking at my side. Then I felt her hand holding mine. I squeezed it before opening my rather heavy eyelids to be greeted by her beautiful smile.

"...awake," she said.

"Mergh,"  I heard myself half-groan. Great. Just the articulate way I wanted to greet my Princess. Not so much.

I blinked and Sean was now leaning over me doing that annoying light-in-the-eyes routine. Ugh, no...bring Sang back. Sean laughed and looked over his shoulder.

"I think he prefers your pretty face," he said behind him. "The medication has almost worn off." His face swung back to me and he added with a grin, "He'll be his usual charming self soon."

Sean moved back to leave the room and Sang took the the seat next to me. I cleared my throat and cringed at the horrible taste in my mouth.

"Do you want some water?" Sang asked, her musical voice a balm to my soul.

"Yes," I croaked.

She reached over and brought a cup into view.  I lifted my hand to take it, but couldn't prevent the slight tremble.  She placed the cup in my hand but held on to keep it steady as I took a few sips.

"Thank you," I said, also grateful that my usual baritone was back.

"Did we wake you?" she asked apologetically as she took the cup away.

"It's fine. I don't want to sleep anymore.  What were you and Sean talking about?"

"Oh, he was telling me about his adoption....well, sort of...he was explaining Uteropods."

"Hmm...so he probably mentioned that both of our parents used them even though nanotech  cosmetic procedures would have erased any evidence of our mothers' pregnancies."

"Yes, he did. But it was because he was telling me about Destiny babies," she said.

"Oh that," I laughed softly. "According to Sean all of Fourth Squad and he are somehow connected through Destiny.  You should hear his theory on how he and North are supposedly destined brothers."

She smiled softly but then paused and asked, "Does it bother you about your mother's choice?"

"Not really...but I always liked and respected Erica Lents more for keeping her stretch marks. She declared them a badge of honor. One day when the topic came up, she asked me 'you worked hard for those Setari rank stripes, right?' I said yes and she said, 'Well, I worked hard for these stripes too'."

Her smile returned and she said, "I really liked Erica Lents, too. When I stayed with their family she was very kind and patient with me."

Ista Phillips came in and ran through a series of tests to check for any nerve damage.  "Looks like your muscle regeneration is well underway.  You'll need to spend time doing physical therapy though.   Nothing strenuous for two kai, but you may visit the wellness center at first shift tomorrow. Ista Green will manage your care from here." He left but not before his traditional offering of candies which Sang was quick to politely accept.

"Just going to save this for Luke," she whispered conspiratorially and tucked the pink treat into a pocket.

She was so selfless. How did I...we manage to get such an amazing gift? Since arriving she's been giving everything she can: training hard, putting up with medical tests, going on dangerous missions and coping with all the changes of finding herself on Muina and Tare.  She's done it gracefully, without complaint.  And of course "...dealt with all of us."

"What?" She looked up curiously .

Oh, I had started speaking aloud. I cleared my throat and clarified, "You are so sweet and considerate.  I was just thinking of what you've been through and how strong you are...how amazing you've been dealing with it all...especially all of us."

Her eyes widened. "No, it all of you who have been so generous and caring to me. I could never thank you enough for all that you have done!" She protested. Her gaze dropped again when she took my hand in both of hers and quietly started confessing, "And...I have felt so selfish lately....about...my feelings for all of you." She looked back up, adding, "Of course, now that I have talked to the others...about how they feel..."

Truly, I was paying attention, but with a slow fade, normal sound became muted, replaced by the silent music I heard whenever Sang was near. The wispy tendrils escaping her hair clasp captured my eye.  The way it framed her face and the arch of her dainty brow and the curve of her cheek.  Her mouth came into focus next, lips heart-shaped and slightly fuller on the bottom. There was a flash of a pink tongue as she continued speaking that sent a pulse through my...uh, whoa there Victor...better think other thoughts...like...what is she saying? Two syllables... Repeating, 'vic' and 'tor'...Oh! Victor! Shit, me...

My smooth response,  "Huh?"

She pressed her finger to those lips. Nathan was right. She does do that a lot.

"Victor, are you having doubts?" She asked after a pause.

"Doubts?" I asked back, confused.

"About the plan," she said worry tinted her voice.

"Plan?" I racked my brain, cursing anther part of my anatomy for letting me get distracted. Thankfully, it came back in a rush. "The plan! Oh, yes...I mean, no. Princess, I have no doubts."

The tiny worry lines around her eyes deepened and she said, "Are to sure? You didn't say anything...and I thought maybe..."

"I love you, Sang," I blurted out, interrupting. There, I had finally said it. And WOW. Her whole face brightened, eyes shining and smile turning blinding. The song in my head, Sang's Song, reached a crescendo.


I could see Sean hovering just outside the open doorway and sent him a message: "come in, Eavesdropper"

I think he would have replied with a crude hand gesture as he entered, but Sang turned to the doorway and he pasted on that fake innocent look.

"So we've all had our little talks now?" Sean asked brightly. "Everyone is onboard and happy with the arrangement?"

I noticed Sang's gaze dart down and the way she was again worrying her lip with her finger. Really, maybe we should try to help her with that habit.  It made reading her thoughts too easy.

"You're worried about something still.  What's bothering you?" I asked.

"I...I've talked to all but one of you about this.  And...I just...I am sure about all of your feelings except for...um...Tsee Blackbourne," she replied hesitantly.

Sean put his hand on her back and rubbed small circles, saying, "You really should call him Owen sometime.  And like we discussed, communication is important.  You need to talk to him.  Ask him about his feelings. Tell him yours. The more honest you are, the better."

"I am not sure when to talk to him.  He's always busy.  I can't just do this over the Interface," she expressed nervously, clasping and unclasping her fingers aggitatedly. "And he seems rather..."

"Distant?" I suggested at the same time Sean said, "Stubborn."

"I...I'm not sure how to describe it," she said dejectedly. "Sometimes, I think I see or feel some undeniable pull between us, but other times he's cold as steel. He says things that...I probably read more into it than there is. Maybe distant is a good word."

My heart clenched at the darkening of her beautiful face, so dear to me now. I tapped her shoulder to regain her attention from the bed sheets.  I was driven with the need to assuage her doubts.  "Sean is right. You just need to talk to him. It will all work out. You will see."

And then we all blinked as a KOTIS mass message flashed across our vision.

Great. There had been another media leak. This time from Kolar sources and since that world had no Interface identity filters, full detail pictures of several Setari, including Sang and other Fourth Squad members, had gone viral across Tare. I quickly scrolled through and...sure enough...Victor Morgan was positively identified. There goes anonymity.

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