22. Nausea

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"So how was the expedition? I heard you discovered an entire underground city," Sean asked.

"Apparently, big hard balls make Sang vomit," Gabriel quipped.

Sean's coughed and half choked out, "What?"

I covered my face and Victor and Gabriel both laughed.

"It is why we three are back on our way to Tare," I said, then amended, "One of the reasons. Tsur Buble also has a task for us in Unara. He ordered us to return with him after I had a negative reaction to the stone sphere that was creating an aether shield on the entire complex."

Gabriel stopped laughing just long enough to interject, "Oy, you should have fucking seen Buble's face when she puked all over him. Ends to Muina, I will never forget that sight! Ha ha ha! Here, watch. I got the video feed on loop. Ha ha ha!"

Victor grinned, lightning playing across his eyes, and added, "It's even better in slow motion."

I cringed in embarrassment. I was never going to live that one down.

Victor further described the discoveries, saying, "And then in the bottom layer of the Central structure, instead of sarcophagi there was a sphere stone that spun on, what I can only describe as, a bubbling fountain of aether on top of a platform. This was one was similar to the communication platforms in the villages. Sang came in at the back of the group with Tsee Blackbourne and Tsur Buble. Tell Sean what you experienced then."

"Everything was blurry right away, the same visual distortion as the empty sarcophagus in the other burial chamber, or whatever they eventually label it. I could see the stone and felt the sensation of being pulled toward it," I said.

Gabriel added, "As she approached the fucking thing, which I said was a BAD IDEA, this whispering from a multitude of voices started coming from the Power Stone of Death. Fucking freaked me out. And before we could stop her, she reached out and TOUCHED it! Cue the projectile vomiting followed by fainting and getting carried out all princess style by Vic. Tsur Buble declared it off limits until further study by some of the techs who had no psychic talents that could be affected. Everyone cleared out fast after that."

"I am sure the field medics checked you out afterwards, but let's do a work up here, too," Sean suggested.

"Good," Victor said. "Her blood pressure and heart rate have remained elevated since contact with the...uh, Power Stone."

"...of Death," added Gabriel.

"I doubt that's what they are calling it," Victor objected.

"Well, they fucking should. You saw all the dead bodies," Gabriel retorted, making morbid faces.

Sean redirected, asking me, "What did you feel when you touched it?"

"Like a great heaviness and immediately the worst headache ever and nausea," I answered.

He followed with, "And how do you feel now?"

I grimaced, loath to admit any aches and pains, but admitted that I had lingering nausea and a slight headache. Sean had me lie down to run tests, while Victor and Gabriel finished describing the expedition findings.

Victor said, "Once they determined the power stone was generating the aether shield, it was soon after that they had it disabled using the same machine that breached the entryway seals. Now, there is a constant guard on the room and the technicians are getting further with investigating the rest of the structures, including the discovery of a name for the place, Arenhon, and the town, Nurioth."

"Has Tsur Buble explained what task he has for you in Unara?" Sean asked as we waited for the test results. I was keeping my hands busy by reorganizing the medical paraphernalia on a nearby tray.

"Unfortunately for me, it is in part to assuage demands by Jasmine that Victor Morgan make an appearance since revelation of my dual Songstar and Setari status. But mostly, as Unaran Lehanti, she is vehemently requesting that the Gate at Rada Junction be closed. It's a feat that will take all of KOTIS's most powerful Ena manipulation talents being enhanced by Sang. They will be working on it for at least a kaone, maybe longer."

Sean nodded, replying, "Ah, well, that Gate has been a problem for a long time and keeps tearing wider. Rada Junction is the most heavily trafficked crossroads on Tare. An Ionoth breach there, especially by a massive like the one at Nurioth, would be devastating. I don't think they could even try to build another extension on the Containment Lock."

"I wish you could come with us. I've missed you," I said reaching out and placing a hand on his bicep, over the purple-stripes.

He smiled and said, "Me, too, Pookie, but for now I am needed here. Also, Fourth Squad will be reassigned to Camelot soon." He added melodramatically, "And what would Owen do separated any longer from me? He's probably already falling apart."

I giggled and Sean's face brightened. "Aha, that's an ailment I can cure," he teased, only causing my giggles to grow.

"Ugh, I'll be nauseas if I have watch too much of that. We'll give you two some space. Come on, Victor," Gabriel said turning to leave the room.

Before following, Victor added, "We'll be waiting in the Medbay dining hall."

After a few very thorough and effective giggle cures were administered, Sean reviewed the completed test analyses, made notations in my medical files for the purple-suits on Tare to follow-up on, and then we headed to the dining hall together.

"I heard Second Squad is travelling back to Tare with us. So is Kayli doing better?" I asked as we walked hand-in-hand.

Sean replied, "Yes, she and Blake will both on leave as they continue to recover. Blake just needs to do physical therapy and he will return to active duty fairly quickly. Kayli was pierced through the lower abdomen, as you know, and while tissue repair went well, the recovery is longer and...well, I can't say much more but there was some difficult news for them as a family. You can ask Kayli when you talk to her. Now, have you tried that amazing pie they started making from berries here?"

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