47. Seeing is Believing

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My conversations with each of the boys through the rest of the evening and next kai were all some variation of my discussion with Silas.

He told me, "Aggele mou, we are most blessed of Muina to have you in our lives. I cherish every shared experience with you, whether it is canoeing to the island Avalon or tasting your sweet lips."

I was most worried about talking to Kota, but I shouldn't have been. He approached me soon after Silas with a hug and apology ready.

"Sang, I am so sorry. I let my anxiety about your well-being override my trust in your abilities and sense of responsibility," Kota said, holding me close.

I reassured him that he didn't force me into doing anything or making a choice I wasn't ready for, and we both parted with lighter hearts.

I ended up blushing and kissing a lot during those talks....well, and giggling when it came to Sean and Luke's teasing....those two! Oh, Mylanta! They all did their best to put me at ease over the issue in their own ways. From Victor's tender caresses to Gabriel's redirection of the conversation to my next birthday party.

I spent three kai at my Platform transport duties, before a new assignment came. At First Shift Meal on the fourth kai Tsee Blackbourne relayed our new orders.

"Tsaile Bremmet has finally admitted defeat. Nothing is working to activate those Doorways on the Kalasa border. Using aerial mapping data, KOTIS has located the island, but it remains invisible and inaccessible.  Several tanz were deployed to the island exterior and were unsuccessful in opening a passage. Therefore, today our Squad will be travelling to Kalasa and Miss Sorenson will make an attempt. The rest of us will be providing security for the officials and technicians that are assigned to this mission," Owen explained.

"About fucking time," Gabriel huffed.

Owen's brow twitched slightly at Gabriel's language, but he smoothly replied, "Yes, I did advise her to take this course of action even before the first several failed attempts."

"I could fail, too," I pointed out.

Owen's millimeter smile appeared and he said, "I am very confident that you will succeed."

"Ah, I know that look," Sean chimed in. "Sight Sight told you Sang's Aveonix ability would work. Didn't it?"

Owen nodded and said, "I reported as much to Tsaile Bremmet after my first analysis of the Doorway. The aura reacted similarly to that of the Platforms when Ena manipulation is applied."

"That makes sense," Kota said, "since the Lanteran technology all seems to be interconnected."

"Exactly," Owen replied. "Finish eating and be at the Camelot Platform in twenty joden. Two other squads will join us. There may be no Ionoth inside the Protection Shield, but once it is breached we all need to be on high alert. Those tanz operators reported encounters with a few Ave-like Ionoth near the island."

"Don't forget the Voltzach," North warned. "They haven't gotten back in through that Stone Sphere since it was shutdown, but no doubt they are looking for an opportunity."

We nodded in silent assent and hustled to get ready for the mission.

"If it was me, I would have stared Tsaile Bremmet in the eye as I smacked the Doorway and said 'Ha! Take that, Bitch'," Kayli declared later when Second Squad joined us for Second Shift Meal.

Marc levelled her an unamused gaze and said, "Which would be highly unprofessional." Kayli stuck her tongue out at him, and his eyes took on a heated gleam. "Watch it, or I'll find a way to put that tongue to better use."

Kayli rolled her eyes and turned back to me asking, "Come on, Sang. Didn't you feel just a little bit smug when the Doorway swung right open after you touched it?"

"Well, North actually had to push it open, but...yes, I did feel some vindication when I unlocked it," I replied. "Honestly, the best part is that with tanz access to Kalasa through the exterior wall, I will only need to make four Platform trips each kai and be available for emergency transport."

"It's too bad you weren't able to key some sort of clearance to anyone else, like you did for Ena manipulation talents for keying newcomers and communication with the dhura through the Platforms," Corey said sympathetically.

"True," I sighed.

We were distracted as Tsee Toma and Tsee Blackbourne returned from a meeting with the rest of the captains of Setari Squads currently assigned to Muina.

"I just sent you each of your assignments and schedule for then next few kai. Included is a rotation for escorting Tsen Sorenson during her Platform transport duties. For the next kaone, Fourth Squad will be based on Muina. All other squads will be rotated back to Tare and replaced only by those with at least two Ena manipulation talents," Owen said.

"Why the Ena manipulation talents?" Luke asked.

"Tsaile Bremmet now seems convinced that if Sang just tries hard enough with the right Ena manipulation talent that she can key someone else access to the Kalasa Doorways," Axel explained, sarcasm coloring his voice. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it.

"What the fuck?!" Gabriel protested. "Sang...errrr... Sorenson tried several times  with me!"

Kota shook his head and said, "I agree with Coleman. Taking into account their close connection, if Sorenson was not able to key access to him, then how does Bremmet expect it to work with anyone else?"

Owen's steel voice answered, "She believes that either the relationship between Miss Sorenson and Tset Coleman interferes with the keying process or that Miss Sorenson lacks motivation."

This was met by a chorus of protests and exclamations of disbelief.  I heard more than one derogatory comment about Bremmet's intelligence.

"Enough," Axel said with a slash of his hand. "We follow our orders and report observations. If you're done eating, let's go."


At first, I didn't realize that I had drifted off to sleep. The daylight was still bright in Kalasa while twilight was just settling upon Camelot when Tsee Blackbourne and I made the first leg of my last Platform round-trip for today. We were sitting on a bench in the Central Plaza and my obvious weariness prompted Owen's invitation to lean my head on his shoulder. One den I was yawning and the next I was looking out at the dream version of the same location, only I was standing. Dream-me turned and looked down to see a ghostlike Real-me and Owen on the bench.  There were others walking around, too. Ghostlike Setari and technicians, but also vivid dream people in traditional Lantaren sort of robes. I shook my head feeling a headache coming on from the strain of seeing this dream version laid over the real world. I couldn't physically be in Kalasa Near-Space, but had I somehow projected my Dream-self there?

I glanced around trying to take in as many details of the scene as possible.  The headache was getting worse and Owen had realized something more was going on. He started shaking the extra pale ghost-me awake and though I could not hear him I could see he was calling for a purple-suit medic.

I snapped awake and gasped down a deep breath. They had moved me to lie on the ground. Concern etched the faces above me.

"Sang? Sang, can you hear me?" Owen asked.

"Yes," I whimpered, the migraine pounding at the back of my head with such intensity I wanted to cry.

"You're in pain as if you strained your Sight abilities," Owen observed and started issuing terse orders for the others to help me up. "We are returning to Camelot immediately. Inform Tsaile Bremmet that I will notify her when Tsen Sorenson is available for Platform transport again. The tanz access to Kalasa will have to suffice until then."

I stumbled and he swung me up into his arms, supporting my knees and back. I looped my arms around his shoulders and buried my face into his neck. I barely felt it as he levitated up and landed on the Platform.  Actually, I barely noticed anything but his spring soap scent, until we were in Medbay and Sean was injecting me with a sedative and pain reliever. I welcomed the sensory-free darkness.

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