Chapter 1 - At First Sight

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*Warning: This chapter may have some triggering scenes about sexual assault. Please read with caution and self care.

My breathing is heavy, the panting filling the silent road as I walk down it. Blood drips from my thighs as I have my arms wrapped tightly around me. I can ascertain that I am in shock, my body nothing but numb in this present time. I haven't felt the pain yet, the pain I know that will be inevitable. But I can take care of that later.

It's dark outside, the stars dull in the sky as the moon hides behind stormy clouds. The only way I can tell it's cold is the mist of breath in the air that comes from my mouth. But I don't feel it, I don't feel anything.

There's a rumble coming from behind me and I tense up, fear over taking me. I turn with wide eyes as I take in the bright headlights behind me. I freeze up, not in control of my body anymore. They say that you're either a fighter or a flighter, well I'm a flighter. The car pulls up beside me as I take in the beautiful black surface, the older classic car is quite striking. But I don't focus on that for fear has taken over me.

The car door opens up and a young man gets out, his eyes wide with shock and worry as he surveys me, "Oh my God."

He rushes towards me and I take a few steps back, shaking uncontrollably with fear of what he will do to me. My eyes take in his features. He is tall, the tallest man I have ever met compared to my very small figure. His brunette hair is like a mane, it falls past his ears towards his shoulders. He is wearing a brown jacket with a flannel underneath, worn jeans and scuffed boots. But instead of seeing malicious eyes, I see broken ones. Ones that are full of pain and hurt.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his eyes going over me as he takes in my traumatic state.

I can feel myself shaking as I try to decide whether to speak or not. The last person I spoke too... I shudder at the thought and take another step back in fear.

The man in front of me holds his hands up and looks me in the eye, "I'm not going to hurt you."

I look into his eyes and see nothing but genuine concern. Although everything in my body is screaming for me to run away, there's something about him that makes me think he won't hurt me. I let out a shaky breath as he speaks, "Let me take you to the hospital."

I shake my head as fear comes over me, hospitals being my least favourite place on earth. He takes in my alarm and shakes his head, "Okay, okay. It's alright. It's alright."

He assesses me for a moment before gesturing to himself, "My name is Sam. What's yours?"

"Avery." I whisper after a long moment, my voice hoarse from screaming and crying.

"Avery." He says, giving a nod, "You're bleeding pretty badly, I need to take you to hospital so they can check you out."

I begin to shake my head again, but he speaks, "You're in bad shape. Please, please let me take you to the hospital."

My eyes meet his for a long moment and I can see his need to do this and I sense that it may be to distract him from that lost look in his eye. Despite my body telling me to run, I have this strange feeling that I can trust him. Awaiting my answer, I give him a weak nod.

He let's out a breath and steps forward, to which I stay completely still. Reaching my side and looks me over with what I can only is assume is pity. I don't blame him, if I found me in my situation, I could only assume one thing happened.

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